Microsoft Teams 反馈 本文内容 查看组织中的电话号码 查看号码分配的激活状态 使用Teams PowerShell 模块 相关主题 有不同类型的电话号码可以分配给用户或语音应用程序,例如音频会议或呼叫队列。 有关详细信息,请参阅管理组织的电话号码。 本文适用于通话套餐、运营商连接和 Teams 电话 Mobile。 有关直接路由的信息,请...
使用Teams PowerShell 模組 您也可以使用Teams PowerShell模組版本1.1.6或更新版本,查看組織中的電話號碼。 如需 PowerShell 的詳細資訊,請參閱Microsoft Teams PowerShell 概觀。 若要查看貴組織擁有的所有電話號碼清單,請使用Get-CsPhoneNumberAssignmentCmdlet。 例如,若要查看每個電話號碼、其類型及...
The number you can get depends on the types of phone numbers and types of licenses you've bought and assigned.How you acquire and manage phone numbers differs depending on your Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) connectivity option: Microsoft Calling Plans, Operator Connect, Teams Phone ...
You can search by Country (Market), Number type, and Location. You'll then see a list of operators that supply numbers in that country.If you select Microsoft as your operator, you can acquire the numbers from the Teams admin center by entering the quantity of telephone numbers you'll ...
Microsoft Store Promise Flexible Payments Education Microsoft in education Devices for education Microsoft Teams for Education Microsoft 365 Education How to buy for your school Educator training and development Deals for students and parents Azure for students ...
Clears environment-specific configurations from the local machine set by running Set-TeamsEnvironmentConfig. Complete-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberOrder Use the Complete-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberOrder cmdlet to complete a specific telephone number search order and confirm the purchase of the new telephone numbers....
Is there a way to display Teams PSTN phone number in SharePoint/Delve people directory? Currently, SharePoint displays workPhone which maps to...
Microsoft Teams PowerShell Search Overview Reference MicrosoftTeamsPowerShell Commands Add-TeamChannelUser Add-TeamsAppInstallation Add-TeamUser Clear-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberOrder Clear-TeamsEnvironmentConfig Complete-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberOrder Connect-MicrosoftTeams Disable-CsOnlineSipDomain Disable-CsTeamsShift...
everything adds fine. When we right-click and add that contact to our 'speed dial' on Teams, it shows correctly on Teams desktop with the name and contact number, however in the Teams phone (Yealink MP56 handset) only their telephone number is shown in the speed d...
Connect with your teams, customers, and partners using Microsoft Teams Phone. Make audio or video calls from one Teams app to another, or use the dial pad to call an external number.