tasksAppLaunchDashboard - 任务应用程序从仪表板磁贴或特定计划打开,通过 MT 服务检查应用程序启动。 tasksAppLaunchDashboardSeeAll - 任务应用程序从仪表板上的“查看全部”按钮打开,通过 MT 服务检查应用程序启动。 tasksAppLaunchDefault - 任务应用程序从底部抽屉打开,通过 MT 服务检查应用程序启动情况。 tabCalenda...
Teams、聊天和频道 会议和音频会议 语音- Teams 电话和 PSTN 连接 规划Teams 语音解决方案 Teams 电话 PSTN 连接选项 概述 Teams 通话套餐 运营商连接 印度运营商连接 Teams 电话 Mobile 直接路由 新增功能 规划直接路由 经认证可用于直接路由的会话边界控制器 ...
dashboardNav - 使用者瀏覽至聊天儀表板上的磚。 dateChanged - 使用者修改了班次日期。 datePickerLaunch - 確認日期選擇器已順利啟動。 dayClicked - 當使用者看到其班次時,選取日檢視。 daySaved - 使用者儲存每日的可使用時間,節省一天的班次。 declineTimeOffRequest - 當使用者拒絕工作休假要求。 這是休假的...
UDP 用于 Microsoft Teams 的通话和会议音频和视频媒体连接。 除了网络 UDP 支持中的连接差异外,这受延迟和下载速度相同的因素影响,因为 UDP 单独配置为更常见的 TCP 协议。 中间值(也称为第 50 个百分点或 P50 度量值)是指过去三天的所有度量值。Microsoft 计算这些 UDP 度量...
board:TeamsDeveloper":{"__typename":"Forum","id":"board:TeamsDeveloper","entityType":"FORUM","displayId":"TeamsDeveloper","nodeType":"board","depth":4,"conversationStyle":"FORUM","title":"Teams Developer","description":"","avatar":null,"profileSettings":{"__typename":"ProfileSettings"...
"Microsoft Teams","Bus 7":"Microsoft Industry","Bus 8":"Small Business","Developer tab":"Developer & IT","Dev 1":"Azure","Dev 2":"Developer Center","Dev 3":"Documentation","Dev 4":"Microsoft Learn","Dev 5":"Microsoft Tech Community","Dev 6":"Azure Marketplace","Dev 7":"...
您可以將Cognos® Analytics應用程式上傳至 Microsoft Teams ,讓您可以從「團隊」內連接至外部 Cognos Analytics 伺服器。 然後,您可以在團隊中新增標籤,以從 Cognos Analytics 環境顯示儀表板。 附註:您可以在任何平台上執行您的團隊應用程式 :Windows、Macintosh 或 Web。
Depending upon your location, Microsoft Teams may be using a phone number that could count as an international text message. Please check with your provider for the associated international rates. xi. Microsoft Teams SMS. Microsoft Teams may use Australia based numbers provided by Belgacom ...
There are two ways to find your analytics dashboard. First, when you have a queue selected, you will see an overview for that queue at the top of Quick access on the left side of the Teams window. Second, to see a wider range of analytics for all of your queues, your te...
There are two ways to find your analytics dashboard. First, when you have a queue selected, you will see an overview for that queue at the top of Quick access on the left side of the Teams window. Second, to see a wider range of analytics for all of your queues, your t...