無論您的團隊是遠端工作還是在辦公室內,都可以透過 Microsoft Teams 檔案共用來檢視、編輯、整理重要檔案並針對這類檔案安全地進行共同作業。
With Microsoft Teams file sharing, your team can view, edit, organize, and collaborate securely with important files remotely or in the office.
在Teams 中与其他人共享设备中的文件。 这包括存储在 Teams OneDrive 中的文件、频道和聊天,以及本地设备上的文件。 发送文件本身或指向该文件的链接。 桌面移动版 在Teams 中共享 OneDrive 中的文件 将文件上传到 Teams 时,可以随时与其他人员和组共享该文件。 若要在 Teams 桌面版中共享文件,请执行以下操作: ...
in Teams. Go toMy files . Hover over the file you want to share and selectShare . SelectCopy link to get a link you can paste into chat or email. SelectSharing settings to specify people and their permissions with the file. SelectApplyto save changes. ...
在Teams 中共享 OneDrive 中的文件 将文件上传到 Teams 时,可以随时与其他人员和组共享该文件。 若要在 Teams 桌面版中共享文件,请执行以下操作: 选择“Teams 中的 OneDrive ”。 转到“我的文件” 。 将鼠标悬停在要共享的文件上,然后选择“共享
Sharing files in OneDrive Select theOneDrive app on the left side of Teams, and go toMy files. Hover over the file you want to share and selectMore Actions . You have several options to share the file: SelectShare to add people and a message when sharing the file. ...
Tip:Sharing files in Microsoft Teams works particularly well withMicrosoft Office documents. In your channel conversation, selectStart a post>Attach under the compose box. Choose from the following options to add your file: Recent filesfor quick access to files you've recently used. ...
Teams File SharingDerek McCullagh 0 Reputation points Feb 28, 2023, 8:03 PM Hi, We have a Teams site which we have invited individuals from some other organisations to join. They are now members of the Team but when they try to view files they are getting We have checked all our ...
Learn how Teams free can help you seamlessly meet and chat with others, share files online, and collaborate with anyone, from anywhere—all in one app. Sign up for free Download Teams Explore Teams for your business Connecting is easier with Teams Get the all-in-one app that connects ...
When you try to share files in a Microsoft Teams group chat or meeting chat that contains more than 50 participants, the message might not be sent successfully when you select Send . Cause This issue occurs if the default setting for file sharing is People currently in this chat. In t...