channelNavTab - 在以下情况下,为 Teams 中的文件提供成功和可发现性数据: 在频道中已选中“文件”选项卡。 有连接器卡回复。 channelNotificationSettings - 触发时间: 已选择“新通知设置”对话框。 已在“频道视图”中选中“频道通知设置”按钮。 选中了“频道通知设置”。 channelSelected - 确认已为新计划成功...
Teams 中的 Giphy 附件功能的成功資料。 galleryImage - 影像上傳 - 圖庫。 get_directions_clicked -已選取 [取得方向] 按鈕。 giphyUserDisabled - 使用者選擇拒絕 Giphy 條款/條件。 giphyUserEnabled - 使用者選擇接受 Giphy 條款/條件。 goToNotificationSettings - 從 [我們已更新 通知設定] 對話方塊...
检查设备或浏览器上的设置 若要在 Teams 中使用麦克风,可能需要更改设备或 Web 上的隐私设置,以允许 Teams 访问它。 更改设备设置 如果你使用的是 Teams 桌面应用,请仔细检查设备设置,确保 Teams 有权访问你的麦克风。 Windows macOS iOS 更改浏览器设置 如果使用 Teams 网页版,请确保默认浏览器设置允许 Teams ...
In Teams, select Settings and more > Settings . Select Devices . Under Audio settings, make sure your mic is selected from the Microphone dropdown menu. Select Make a test call to test your settings. Follow the instructions from Test Call Bot and ...
在Microsoft Teams 會議室專業版 管理入口網站中,Microsoft Teams 會議室 裝置的下列一或多個訊號會顯示為狀況不良: 會議麥克風 會議演講者 設定的默認說話者 已設定會議麥克風 已設定會議演講者 使用者遇到下列一或多個問題: 遠端參與者無法聽到會議室內的參與者。
I removed and updated the driver on their mic, ensured it has permission to work with Teams, disabled and reenabled it, and verified it was routed properly in their system sound settings and within Teams. But they still cannot be heard. In other apps, like Skype...
Microphone problems in Teams app Hi all, When I use the Teams app, I have problems with my microphone when I wear my earphones. The other people in the conversations can't hear me. I tried it several times now. When I join the m...Show...
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In Microsoft Teams, select Settings and more to the left of your profile picture at the top, then select Settings . In Settings, select Devices. Under Audio devices, select Modern USB-C Speaker. After you select your speaker, it should be selected for the...
When you schedule a town hall or webinar, you can turn off Teams attendee emails before publishing the event. In the scheduling form, go toSetup>Detailsand turn theEnable attendee emailstoggle off. This setting can't be changed after the event is published. To learn more, seeManage webinar...