注销Teams 在Windows、macOS 或 Teams 的 Web 浏览器版本中,选择应用顶部的个人资料图片,然后选择“注销”。 可以使用同一帐户或其他帐户再次登录。 注意: 当你在任何设备上注销 Teams 时,与你的帐户关联的信息将从 Teams 应用中删除,直到你再次登录。 但是,你使用的其他应用将继续有权访问你的帐户。
To remove your Teams account, you must delete the entire Microsoft account it's associated with.Learn more about how to close your Microsoft account. The following describes how to remove your account from a device, although additional steps may be required. See the latest account info for...
Step by step video on how to Remove School / work Account From Teams app:https://youtu.be/tLWeGo_aQu0
Can't remove accounts used by other apps In that same window, click 'Access work or school' Is there an option to click Disconnect? If so, do so and you should be able to remove the account. Also, press Windows key + R Type: control userpasswords2 Hit Enter Select the account then ...
2. Sign in with your account that have Guest account added (If not already signed in) 3. You should see the option to Leave Organization instead of Sign in to leave organization. I was able to find the area you mentioned through Teams. Clicking on Organisations, showed Or...
Once you do that, you can delete the resource account from the Office 365 admin portal,Under Users tab. For more details, you can refer to: /en-us/microsoftteams/manage-resource-accounts#delete-a-resource-account Best Regards, Jimmy Yang ...
tabActionOpenInTeams - 開啟的使用情況。 此屬性為瞭解索引標籤是否可以在 Teams 中預設設為 [開啟] 的關鍵所在。 tabActionRemove - 瞭解 [刪除] 選項的可探索性和功能的使用情況。 tabActionRename - 瞭解 [重新命名] 的可探索性和功能的使用情況。 tabActionSetting、Android-修正 -使用者如何探索並使用行...
在Microsoft Teams 系統管理中心,選取[小組]。 按一下小組名稱以選取小組。 選取[刪除]。 將會出現確認訊息。 選取[刪除]以永久刪除小組。 您還可以使用 Microsoft Teams PowerShell 模組和 Remove-Team cmdlet 删除小組: PowerShell Get-Team-DisplayName"CxO Team"|Remove-Team ...
$acctSKU="<CompanyName:License>" $x = Set-MgUserLicense -AccountSkuId $acctSKU -DisabledPlans "TEAMS1" Run the following command to disable Teams for all users who have an active license for the licensing plan. PowerShell Copy Get-MgUser | Where-Object {$_.licenses[0].AccountSku.Sk...
How to remove Microsoft Teams (for work or school) on Windows 11 If you are also logged on to a Microsoft Teams work or school account, then you will have a second Teams application in the installed apps menu. So if you haven't already, follow steps 1-4 in the previous section and ...