Sign into the Microsoft Teams admin center. In the left navigation, go to Voice > Phone numbers, and then select Add. Enter a name for the order and add a description. On the Location and quantity page, do the following: Under Country or region, select a country or region. Under ...
如果需要在一个端口请求中转移到 Teams 的电话号码超过 999 个,请不要使用端口向导。 导航到 电话号码服务中心门户 ,并使用 电话号码服务 (TNS) - Service Desk 创建/提交新的“转网”。Microsoft的电话号码服务中心仅在美国个工作日完成端口订单,而不是在公共假日或周末完成...
使用Teams PowerShell Cmdlet 若要檢視最多 500 個電話號碼的清單,請使用 PowerShell CmdletGet-CsPhoneNumberAssignment。 您也可以使用Export-CsAcquiredPhoneNumberCmdlet 下載所有取得電話號碼的完整清單。 將電話號碼指派給使用者 取得電話號碼之後,您必須指派號碼給每個使用者。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱管理用戶的電話號...
如需運算子連線、Teams Phone Mobile 或直接路由的相關資訊,請連絡您的服務提供者。您可以在 Microsoft Teams 系統管理中心搜尋和取得程式期間,查看您可以從 Microsoft 取得的電話號碼數量 (取得電話號碼)。重要 以下限制不包含您已移轉至 Microsoft 的電話號碼。
What is a Microsoft Teams Calling Plan? What is Direct Routing? What is Operator Connect? Can I use my existing phone numbers? Can I bring my own calling plan? What phones are supported? What is the difference between the offers for small and medium-sized businesses and enterprises?
Over the last 2 weeks or so, we've noticed a handful of our Teams phone numbers which were assigned to users, become Unassigned. We have no automation in place - everything move, add or change we p...Show More Calling Phone Number teams voice Reply ...
Over the last 2 weeks or so, we've noticed a handful of our Teams phone numbers which were assigned to users, become Unassigned. We have no automation in place - everything move, add or change we p...Show More Calling Phone Number teams voice Reply ...
主要技術領域: Microsoft Teams 目標受眾: The article describes how to assign and unassign phone numbers through the list, which would allow delegating this task to users without Teams Admin Center access. The repository has been updated and already includes the code required for number assignment. ...
What is a Microsoft Teams Calling Plan? What is Direct Routing? What is Operator Connect? Can I use my existing phone numbers? Can I bring my own calling plan? What phones are supported? What is the difference between the offers for small and medium-sized businesses and enterprises? What...
与我们联系 登录以便我们为你提供正确的帮助和支持。 登录 选择你需要帮助的产品 我们将首先向你显示自助选项。其他帮助也可提供,包括与 Microsoft 专家的实时聊天。