在Power Automate 中,在要在流中发送卡片的步骤中添加 Microsoft Teams 连接器操作发布自适应卡并等待响应。 对于发布身份,选择 Power Virtual Agents(预览)。 对于发布位置,选择与机器人聊天。 对于消息,输入以下模板 JSON: actions 部分中的属性可确定呈现给用户的选项。 JSON 复制 { "type": "AdaptiveCard",...
对于PowerShell,请使用 Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment cmdlet 并将 -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled 参数设置为 $true。某些功能(如自动助理)不需要用户启用语音。若要详细了解Teams 电话功能和要求,包括哪些功能需要用户启用语音,请参阅什么是Teams 电话和Teams 电话功能。
Teams 电话 PSTN 连接选项 共享通话 - 更简单的解决方案 电话号码 管理组织的电话号码 为用户搜索电话号码 管理用户的电话号码 管理电话号码的使用情况 查看组织中的电话号码列表 管理通话套餐和服务的电话号码 管理运营商连接的电话号码 管理Teams Phone Mobile 的电话号码 ...
有時候 (視您的國家或地區而定) 您將無法使用 Microsoft Teams 系統管理中心取得新的使用者 (訂閱) 或服務 (付費或免付費) 電話號碼,或者您可能需要特定電話號碼 (虛名要求) 或特定的區碼。如果您需要協助,請 連絡TNS 服務台。移轉/移轉現有電話號碼 (LOAs 授權書) ...
If you receive a text message at a phone number that is not associated with your Teams identity, you can still join that conversation by verifying that you are in possession of the number. When importing your chats, the number you have been using for SMS chats will not be added...
If you receive a text message at a phone number that is not associated with your Teams identity, you can still join that conversation by verifying that you are in possession of the number. When importing your chats, the number you have been using for SMS chats will not be added ...
Microsoft Community Hub Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams Forum Discussion Share Resources"}},"messages({\"constraints\":{\"solution\":{\"eq\":true},\"topicId\":{\"eq\":\"message:4024289\"}},\"first\":10,\"sorts\":{\"postTime\":{\"direction\":\"ASC\"}}})":{"__typena...
You can make the new email or phone number the primary alias by selecting Make primary. You’ll then have the option to remove the old email address or phone number from your account. Note: To ensure people can't search for you in Microsoft ...
{nodeId}","noMessage":"Cannot find message with id {messageId}"},"localOverride":false},"CachedAsset:text:en_US-shared/client/components/common/Loading/LoadingDot-0":{"__typename":"CachedAsset","id":"text:en_US-shared/client/components/common/Loading/LoadingDot-0",...
Add a mobile number to your Microsoft account to help you find others and to help others to find you in Microsoft Teams (free).