모든 이모티콘, 이름 및 바로 가기를 포함하여 Microsoft Teams에서 사용할 수 있는 모든 기호(무료)를 참조하세요.
(womenssymbol) 洗手间 (restroom) 婴儿标志 (babysymbol) 厕所 (wc) 入境检验 (passportcontrol) 海关 (customs) 行李认领 (baggageclaim) 行李寄存 (leftluggage) 警告 (warning) 儿童过街 (childrencrossing) 禁止入内 (noentry) 禁止 (banned)
No more confusion – just simple, clear explanations. Soon, you will chat on Teams like a pro, knowing exactly what each symbol is saying. Let us get started. Categories of symbols in Microsoft Teams chats Microsoft Teams has a variety of symbols to help users gauge the presence and status...
Consultez tous les symboles disponibles dans Microsoft Teams (gratuit), y compris tous les émoticônes, noms et raccourcis.
瞭解如何在 Microsoft Teams (免費版) 中傳送 Emoji、貼圖、GIF 和 Meme,以在 Android、iOS、Windows 和 Mac 裝置上即時交談。
ดูสัญลักษณ์ทั้งหมดที่พร้อมใช้งานสําหรับคุณใน Microsoft Teams (ฟรี) รวมถึงอิโมต
Jetzt müssen Sie zurück zu Microsoft Teams gehen und die Konfiguration dort abschließen. Kehren Sie zur Browserregisterkarte zurück, auf der das Teams-Entwicklerportal geöffnet ist. Wählen Sie in der äußersten linken Navigationsleiste der Seite das Symbol Extras aus, und klicken Si...
The icon mustn't have any extra padding around the symbol. [Must fix] Your app package must include correctly sized and formatted icons. The icons must match the information in Teams Store listing metadata. [Must fix] For more information, see icon guidelines....
The icon mustn't have any extra padding around the symbol. [Must fix] Your app package must include correctly sized and formatted icons. The icons must match the information in Teams Store listing metadata. [Must fix] For more information, see icon guidelines....
Microsoft Teams 中呈現的活動卡片在Windows 通知中呈現的活動卡片建立新的調適型卡片在此步驟中,您會將自訂卡片新增至設計工具,以顯示維基百科中與太陽系中其中一顆行星的相關資訊。使用下列 JSON 來取代 [卡片承載編輯器] 的內容:JSON 複製 { "$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive...