可以通过更新主 XML 文件并将副本发送到远程Teams 会议室设备来更改Teams 会议室的默认设置。备注 某些功能仅在已分配Microsoft Teams 会议室专业版许可证的Teams 会议室设备上可用。 若要查看哪些功能需要Microsoft Teams 会议室专业版,请参阅Microsoft Teams 会议室许可证。
In your Teams meeting window, select the dropdown arrow next toMic. SelectMore audio settings. Make sure your correct microphone is selected If your mic isn’t in theMicrophonedropdown menu, unplug and plug it back in. If you’rehaving trouble using a Bluetooth ...
channelNavTab - 在以下情况下,为 Teams 中的文件提供成功和可发现性数据: 在频道中已选中“文件”选项卡。 有连接器卡回复。 channelNotificationSettings - 触发时间: 已选择“新通知设置”对话框。 已在“频道视图”中选中“频道通知设置”按钮。 选中了“频道通知设置”。 channelSelected - 确认已为新计划成功...
Premium Microphone for Open Office: All headsets are tested to provide clear audio, but open office and other noisy environments pose a greater challenge. Headsets with this designation pick up the voice of the headset user but don't transmit the sound of their neighbors. ...
Premium Microphone for Open Office: All headsets are tested to provide clear audio, but open office and other noisy environments pose a greater challenge. Headsets with this designation pick up the voice of the headset user but don't transmit the sound of their neighbors. Meeting room size: Sh...
If you're not in a meeting, select Settings and more () by your profile picture or initials and choose Settings. Select Devices and check your microphone choice. Try Make a test call. For more troubleshooting info, see My microphone isn't working in Teams.Need...
Teams 中的 Giphy 附件功能的成功資料。 galleryImage - 影像上傳 - 圖庫。 get_directions_clicked -已選取 [取得方向] 按鈕。 giphyUserDisabled - 使用者選擇拒絕 Giphy 條款/條件。 giphyUserEnabled - 使用者選擇接受 Giphy 條款/條件。 goToNotificationSettings - 從 [我們已更新 通知設定] 對話方塊,移至 ...
Microsoft Teams displays are a category of all-in-one dedicated Teams devices that feature an ambient touchscreen. With Teams displays, users can use a microphone, camera, and speakers (or Bluetooth headset) for a reliable calling and meeting experience. Teams displays integrates with users' ...
the page. Kindly click “Join Microsoft Teams Meeting”.Laptop or desktop connections For those using desktops or laptops who have not installed or do not wish to install the app, click on the option “Join on the web instead”. The relevant area in the screenshot below is highlighted.
如果未使用开发人员预览功能(包括在 Outlook 和 Microsoft 365 应用中运行 Teams 个人选项卡和邮件扩展),请改用应用 清单 (以前称为 Teams 应用清单) 正式发布 (GA) 功能。应用清单描述应用如何集成到 Microsoft Teams 平台。 应用清单必须符合托管在 https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/teams/vDevPreview...