Set a status message in Teams to let others know what you're up to! Whether you're out of office or simply want to share a message for your contacts to see, status messages are a great way to communicate. Note: If you have a status message set in Teams, it ...
I am in need of a way to block certain words from being able to be used in status messages. Is there a way to prevent certain words from being used in status messages? Or any way to audit status messages for certain words so we can notify users to change their status? Thank you!
In Microsoft Teams (free) you can change your status or set a status message. Set your status message in Microsoft Teams (free): Tap yourprofile pictureor More. TapSet status message. Type your status message. You can choose to @mention people specifically, choose toShowwhe...
如果您檢查傳統 Teams 的記錄檔,則會記錄下列錯誤專案:輸出 複製 message: Launch api returns false, code: 11, apiCode: undefined, extendedErrorCode: 0, launchStatus: failed, status: failure, scenario: <scenarioGUID>, scenarioName: launch_pear_app, name: launch_pear_app ...
Enter your status message, turn on "Show When People Message Me," set a time for the status message to end, then click "Done." Your message will now display whenever anyone messages or mentions you. This will be shown regardless of your Microsoft Teams status and will display (in Microsof...
应在Teams 应用内链接用户,而不是链接到外部网站或应用。 对于需要外部功能的情况,你的应用必须获得明确的用户权限才能启动该功能。 [必须修复] 启动外部功能的按钮 UI 文本必须包含指示用户已退出 Teams 实例的内容。 例如,包括如下文本,由此转到 或 在 中查看。 [必须修复] 添加弹...
在Power Automate 中,在要在流中发送卡片的步骤中添加 Microsoft Teams 连接器操作在聊天或渠道中发布自适应卡。 对于发布身份,选择 Power Virtual Agents(预览)。 对于发布位置,选择与机器人聊天。 对于机器人,选择要从中发送消息的代理。 对于接收者,输入接收者的名称或电子邮件地址。 如果接收者信息来自流中以前...
Set a status message in Teams to let others know what you're up to! Whether you're out of office or simply want to share a message for your contacts to see, status messages are a great way to communicate. Note: Mobile To set your status message in Teams f...
如果您檢查傳統 Teams 的記錄檔,則會記錄下列錯誤專案:輸出 複製 message: Launch api returns false, code: 11, apiCode: undefined, extendedErrorCode: 0, launchStatus: failed, status: failure, scenario: <scenarioGUID>, scenarioName: launch_pear_app, name: launch_pear_app ...
For more detail about availability states in Teams, seeUser presence in Teams. To learn how to set your status, seeChange your status in Teams. Status settings Windows desktop Mac desktop Web Android and iOS Linux desktop Available Busy