在Teams 日历中打开会议。 确保要添加为共同组织者的人员已添加为所需的与会者。 选择“会议选项”。 选择“角色”。 在“选择共同组织者”中,从下拉菜单中选择其名称。 选择“保存”。 注意:共同组织者必须与会议组织者位于同一个组织。 他们还可以使用同一组织中的来宾帐户。
Thankfully, Microsoft Teams allows meeting organizers to mute all attendees. You can also provide text-based questions and answers, to which you can respond to privately or publicly. Microsoft Teams let you disable all attendee mics or cameras (image credit: Microsoft). Another key way of ensu...
Teams settings and policies reference Limits and specifications for Teams Meeting templates reference Licensing Move from Kaizala Interoperability with Microsoft 365 Teams PowerShell Developer documentation for Teams Country phone number management Toll-free dialing limitations and restrictions Country and region...
Once you do that, only organizers and presenters can allow members to join the meeting https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/office/using-the-lobby-in-microsoft-teams-meetings-eaf70322-d771-4043-b595-b40794bac057#:~:text=In%20Teams%20meetings%2C%20the%20meeting,admit%20them%20to...
Meeting organizers and presenters can add, use, and manage apps (which includes removing apps and changing settings). Attendees can use apps, though sometimes not every feature. For more information, seeroles in a Teams meeting. Desktop
Once you turn on meeting registration, you can use the Teams admin center or PowerShell to manage the types of users organizers can require to register for meetings.You could use the following steps to manage who can register in the Teams admin center:...
Teams settings and policies reference Limits and specifications for Teams Meeting templates reference Licensing Move from Kaizala Interoperability with Microsoft 365 Teams PowerShell Developer documentation for Teams Country phone number management Toll-free dialing limitations and restrictions Country and region...
To require participants to give their explicit consent to be recorded or transcribed in any meeting that organizers with this policy create, use the following script:PowerShell Copy Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity <policy name> -ExplicitRecordingConsent Enabled ...
Disconnect-MicrosoftTeams Enable-CsOnlineSipDomain Export-CsAcquiredPhoneNumber Export-CsAutoAttendantHolidays Export-CsOnlineAudioFile Find-CsGroup Find-CsOnlineApplicationInstance Get-ALLM365TeamsApps Get-AssociatedTeam Get-CsApplicationAccessPolicy Get-CsApplicationMeetingConfiguration Get-CsAutoAttendant Get-Cs...
In a Microsoft Teams meeting, go to your meeting controls and select More options > Turn on live captions (preview).In a live event, follow the instructions given in Organizers: set up live captions and subtitles.For...