chatWithMeetingParticipants - 從 [會議詳細資料] 頁面選取 [聊天] 索引標籤。 checkListAddClicked - 已選取檢查清單區段中的工作詳細資料視圖內的 [新增專案]。 checkListItemAdded - 已為工作建立檢查清單專案。 checkListItemDeleted - 已自工作中刪除檢查清單專案。 checkListItemUpdated - 已為工作更新檢查清單專案...
meetingAttachmentFileOptions - 会议附件项选项已单击。 meetingAttachmentSeeMoreClick - 会议附件“查看更多”按钮已单击。 meetingDetailCalendarList - 从日历列表中选择“会议详细信息”页,或选择“会议详细信息”页上的“详细信息”选项卡。 meetingDetailChatWithParticipants - 从“会议详细信息”页与参与者聊天。
如果组织的Microsoft Teams 会议室配备了智能扬声器,则可以召开会议,以便可在实时听录中识别会议室内参与者。 会议期间,所有参与者都可以轻松查看谁在说什么,会议后脚本可识别远程和会议室与会者,但选择不识别的人员除外。 如果没有说话人识别,音频将归属于 AI 笔记中的...
For meetings of more than 49 participants, the rest of the participants can be viewed by jumping to the next page of the Gallery View. When will the ability to see all participants come to Teams? The current 7 x 7 grid view allows you to see up to 49 meeting participants, at once. ...
步驟1 - 熟悉 Teams 會議功能 步驟2 - 傳播會議最佳做法 步驟3 - 設計和建置會議空間 步驟4 - 選取會議室裝置 步驟5 - 設定您的裝置 步驟6 - 管理和監視會議室和會議 即時活動 音訊會議 語音- Teams 電話與 PSTN 連線 Teams Rooms 及裝置 管理Microsoft Teams 中的應用程式 ...
Twice recently I've had a Teams meeting where there has been 10 participants inclusive of myself. Of the 9 participants displayed on screen, only 6 displayed...
Teams 会议选项是直接影响参与者参与度、会议效率和安全性的设置。 默认会议选项由 IT 管理员确定,但可以为特定会议更改这些选项。 本文内容 关于会议选项 默认会议选项 更改会议选项 锁定会议 关于会议选项 会议选项 选项功能 何时使用 Sensitivity 敏感度标签为机密会议增加了安全性。 某些会议选项(如录制会议)可能...
Dear All, Is there any option in Microsoft Teams to mute all the participants without allowing them to unmute back? I mean, Is there is any option for...
After June 30, 2022, newly created TeamsOnly users will no longer be provisioned with the Skype for Business Online infrastructure. If these users are invited to a Skype for Business meeting, they would need to join anonymously. After October 2022, users moved from on-premises to the clo...
Take your online meetings to the next level. Microsoft Teams allows you to easily connect with coworkers, family, and friends on the device of your choice.