We are a school, and teachers want to use the teams meeting recordings, but they want to be able to...","replies":{"__typename":"MessageConnection","edges":[{"__typename":"MessageEdge","cursor":"MjQuMTF8Mi4xfGl8MTB8MTMyOjB8aW50LDE0NzM4MjcsMTQ3MzgyNw","node":{"...
双击Teams 日历中的过去会议。 选择“回顾”。 选择要共享的录制内容或脚本。 选择右上角Stream打开。 在“Stream”中,选择“共享>共享”。 选择“链接设置”以管理录制权限: 在“链接适用于”下,选择要授予访问权限的人员。 在“更多设置”下: 选择“无法下载”可阻止与之共享录制内容的人员下载录制内容。
于2021年年初,Microsoft将Teams Meeting Recording存储位置从Stream转移到OneDrive for Business或者SharePoint,目的地是可以使用户将录制捕获的音频、视频和屏幕可以在整个组织中安全的共享,以备日后查看。 我们都知道OneDrive for Business的用户存储空间是有限的,如果一味的将视频录制文件存储在里面,势必会达到存储限制,所...
You can use the Microsoft Teams admin center or PowerShell to set a Teams meeting policy to control whether users' meetings can be recorded. Both the meeting organizer and the recording initiator need to have recording permissions to record the meeting....
You can use the Microsoft Teams admin center or PowerShell to set a Teams meeting policy to control whether users' meetings can be recorded. Both the meeting organizer and the recording initiator need to have recording permissions to record the meeting....
Teams 会议录制不再保存到Microsoft Stream。 所有录制内容现在都保存到OneDrive for Business。 如果组织仍使用 Stream,请注意: 录制停止后,将对其进行处理并保存到 Stream。 然后便可随时播放。 当录制内容可用时,会议组织者将收到一封电子邮件。 录制内容将显示在会议聊天或频道中。
Teams 会议录制不再保存到Microsoft Stream。 所有录制内容现在都保存到OneDrive for Business。 如果组织仍使用 Stream,请注意: 录制停止后,将对其进行处理并保存到 Stream。 然后便可随时播放。 当录制内容可用时,会议组织者将收到一封电子邮件。 录制内容将显示在会议聊天或频道中。
Teams meeting recordings (OneDrive) for scheduled meetings are not being shared to all invited. Instead, the file is only being shared to people who...
The meeting recording link isn't included or visible in a chat window. To determine whether these issues are caused by the user account, run theTeams Meeting Recording Test. This diagnostic checks whether the account meets all requirements to record a meeting in Teams. If the issue persists,...
嗯。你的浏览器版本不受支持。是否有最快的解决方法? 下载桌面应用。 下载Microsoft Teams 下面是支持的浏览器版本。