meetingAttachmentFileClick - 会议附件项已单击。 meetingAttachmentFileOptions - 会议附件项选项已单击。 meetingAttachmentSeeMoreClick - 会议附件“查看更多”按钮已单击。 meetingDetailCalendarList - 从日历列表中选择“会议详细信息”页,或选择“会议详细信息”页上的“详细信息”选项卡。 meetingDetailChatWithPartic...
liveEventPresenterJoinAsAttendee - 即時活動簡報者以出席者身分加入。 liveEventQnA - 已選取[問與答] 圖示。 liveEventVivaEngage - 已選取 Viva Engage 圖示。 liveMeetingPushNotificationClicked - 已選取 [推送通知]。 liveMeetingToastClicked - 已選取 [應用程式內快顯]。 live_location_in_chats_from_profi...
We are developing a Microsoft Teams meeting extension. In order to embedded details related to our system info, we need to get the emails list of attendees of the specific meeting. Tried many ways including graph API but it couldn't identify the meeting ID returning from the ...
Step 6:Double-click on it to open the file. Usually, the file should contain the names of the attendees, their join times, and then the leave time of each attendee. Should an attendee join the meeting before the organizer, their join time should tally with the organizer’s join time. M...
您可以使用 Get、 New、 Set、 Remove 和Grant-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy PowerShell Cmdlet 來管理會議原則。 例如:但若要建立會議原則,請使用 New-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy cmdlet。 若要設定會議原則,請使用 Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy cmdlet。 若要在每一使用者範圍指派會議原則,請使用 Grant-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy ...
Change this setting to limit or open attendee discussion during a meeting or event. Turn off copying and forwarding of meeting chat, live captions, and transcripts InTeams Premium, turn this toggle on to prevent attendees from copying and pasting content from a meeting chat, live capt...
Get-CsTeamTemplateList 在Teams 中管理虛擬約會會議範本MicrosoftTeams 更新原則導航: Teams 系統管理中心 > Teams > 更新原則更新原則是用來管理Teams和Office預覽版用戶,他們可在Teams應用程式中查看發行前版本或預覽功能。 根據預設,未啟用公開預覽。展開資料表 設定違約描述 顯示Teams 預覽功能 針對目前通道中的用戶...
在Teams 网络研讨会和会议期间隐藏与会者姓名以保护其隐私。 与会者仍可以参与聊天并举手。 组织者、共同组织者和演示者可查看与会者姓名(如果已隐藏)。 组织者和演示者的姓名和详细信息对每个人都可见。 如果在会议期间将某人设为共同组织者或演示者,他们的姓名将自动显示。
By default, anyone invited to a meeting can participate in the meeting chat before, during, and after the meeting. Change this setting to limit or open attendee discussion during a meeting or event. Turn off copying and forwarding of meeting chat, live captions, and transcripts ...
Get notified in your TeamsActivityfeed when a meeting recap is ready to view. Select the notification to go right to the recap. To learn more, seeMeeting recap in Microsoft Teams. Manage who can admit attendees from the meeting lobby