选择背景 选择“模糊”来虚化背景、选择 Teams 提供的图像,或者上传你自己的照片。 为会议做好准备 在桌面上设置新背景。在移动设备上,选择“完成”以批准使用该背景。充分利用 Teams 创建专业背景、彰显自身个性并避免干扰因素,让你能够专注于对话。 模糊背景 选择背景 创建自己的背景 杜绝意外和干扰 通过背...
Microsoft Teams 中的自定义背景有助于展示您自己的个人风格,让会议更加有趣和包容!加入 Teams 会议时,您希望将注意力集中在您身上,而不是房间里的其他东西。自定义背景提供了一种很好的方式,可以最大限度地减少这些干扰,并带来面对面的新方式。 提交背景 如何在 Microsoft Teams 中自定义您的背景 在会议开始前更...
Virtual backgrounds can eliminate distractions with background blur or lighten the mood and improve team engagement with fun pre-designed background images.
we were unable to get the option to change backgrounds for several hours. Going through Microsoft forums led us to discover this simple solution. Although you might have downloaded the latest version of Microsoft Teams, you might still need to do this to fix the issue. Go toSettings -> Chec...
Early on, Microsoft Teams lacked the ability to change backgrounds, and in the grand scheme of things this feature is not that important of a feature, but under the current work from home conditions it has become a significant bright spot for stressed and tired teams. And Zoom was crushing ...
Virtual backgrounds can eliminate distractions with background blur or lighten the mood and improve team engagement with fun pre-designed background images.
Choose from a library of unique backgrounds or add your own to see yourself in any location—real or imagined. Learn how to customize your background Microsoft Teams is for everyone Meet, chat, call, and collaborate in just one place—whether at home, work, school, or with frie...
If you enjoy “The Simpsons,”“Family Guy,” and other Fox TV shows, you’ll find an array of background images on theFOX Microsoft Teams Backgroundspage. The page even explains how to save and add images to Teams. Image: Fox Entertainment ...
See options for meetings and live events by platform in Microsoft Teams. View options for scheduling, sharing, and using video and in-meeting features.
你可以在 Windows 设备上为 Teams 会议室创建自定义背景图像,以表示你的品牌或向 Teams 会议室用户提供说明。 例如,可以添加公司徽标,并将组织的技术支持的联系信息包含在自定义背景中。可用的自定义后台选项及其配置方式取决于设备上安装的 Teams 会议室应用版本,以及设备上登录的资源帐户是否具有 Teams 会议室专业版...