Microsoft Teams Feedback În acest articol Create a custom meeting or event policy Edit a meeting or event policy Assign a meeting or event policy to users Related topics APPLIES TO:✔️Meetings ✔️Webinars ✔️Town halls Meeting and event policies are used to control the features ...
Microsoft Teams Credentials (Teams Public/Teams GCC)Auth ID: oauthPublicApplicable: All regionsLog in with Microsoft Teams Credentials (Teams Public/Teams GCC).This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection ...
Gerenciar e monitorar equipes Equipes, chats e canais Reuniões e audioconferência Voz - Conectividade PSTN e de Telefonia do Microsoft Teams Gerenciamento de dispositivos e salas Gerenciar aplicativos no Teams Diretrizes governamentais e de indústrias Referências Baixar PDF Learn...
The IsTeamTask element indicates whether the task is owned by a team.XML Copiere <IsTeamTask/> BooleanAttributes and elementsThe following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.AttributesNone.Child elementsNone.Parent elementsExtindeți tabelul ...
Először is a létrehozni kívánt vagy a legjobban működő bemutató típusától függően ütemezhetTeams-értekezletet,Teams-webináriumotvagyTeams élő eseményt. Az előadóknak az asztali Teams alkalmazást kell használniuk bárm...
LobbyBypass Location Location (CalendarEventDetails) Location (ReminderMessageDataType) LocationBasedStateDefinition Locations LocationSource LocationUri Longitude Mailbox Mailbox (string) Mailbox (Availability) Mailbox (PreviewItemMailboxType) MailboxCulture MailboxData MailboxDataArray Mailboxes (ArrayOfStrin...
Zarządzanie rejestrowaniem lokalnym w usłudze Teams ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ Odbieranie informacji o lokalnie rejestrowanym wywołaniu ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Zarządzanie transkrypcją usługi Teams ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ Odbieranie informacji o transkrypcji wywołania ✔️...
The RetentionPolicyTag element specifies the retention policy for a mailbox item.XML Kopírovať <RetentionPolicyTag> <DisplayName/> <RetentionId/> <RetentionPeriod/> <Type/> <RetentionAction/> <Description/> <IsVisible/> <OptedInto/> <IsArchive/> </RetentionPolicyTag> RetentionPolicyTagType...
The UrlEntity element identifies a single extracted URL entity.XML Copiere <UrlEntity> <Position/> <Url/> </UrlEntity> UrlEntityTypeAttributes and elementsThe following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.AttributesNone....
LobbyBypass Location Location (CalendarEventDetails) Location (ReminderMessageDataType) LocationBasedStateDefinition Locations LocationSource LocationUri Longitude Mailbox Mailbox (string) Mailbox (Availability) Mailbox (PreviewItemMailboxType) MailboxCulture MailboxData MailboxDataArray Mailboxes (ArrayOfStrin...