Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -WhoCanRegister Everyone 注意: 如果會議設定中的「匿名加入」功能已關閉,匿名使用者就無法加入網路研討會。 若要啟用此設定,請 參閱在 Microsoft Teams 中管理會議設定。加入網路研討會時會出現空白畫面當您嘗試加入網路研討會時,驗證之後會出現空白畫面。如果...
Microsoft Teams 系統管理中心中有不同的報告,可以深入了解貴組織中的使用者如何使用 Teams。 使用Teams 用戶端回報的客戶意見反應和問題 用於監視和疑難排解工具 以下工具設計用來協助組織監視和疑難排解 Microsoft Teams 的通話品質問題: 記錄檔:記錄檔案會自動建立,並提供可協助針對特定問題進行疑難排解的資訊。 通話分...
當您在傳統Microsoft Teams 中開啟 [嘗試新的 Teams ] 切換時,新的 Teams 應用程式不會啟動。 相反地,橫幅隨即出現,並顯示下列錯誤訊息:發生錯誤。 如果您檢查傳統 Teams 的記錄檔,則會記錄下列錯誤專案:輸出 複製 message: Launch api returns false, code: 11, apiCode: undefined, extendedErrorCo...
如果您是Microsoft Teams 系統管理員,且您的使用者無法安裝傳統Microsoft Outlook 的 Teams 會議載入巨集、排程來自 Teams 的 Outlook 會議,或從 Outlook 排程 Teams 會議,問題可能是由 Teams 會議載入巨集安裝有問題或使用者信箱隱藏在全域通訊清單 (GAL) 所造成。
Our Microsoft team room update to window 11 IOT version. And some of the room show the error "Teams is currently experiencing an error. If the problem persists, please try restarting your device or talk to your administrator". It need to restart two times to resolve the ... Error displays in Teams Rooms device console On devices that are running version or later of the Teams Rooms app, the console displays the following error: Teams is ...
选择“Teams”。 选择“权限”,并确保启用所有权限。 Android 6.0.1 检查电池优化是否未阻止 Teams 向你发送通知: 打开“设置”应用。 点击“电池”。 点击“更多选项 ”,然后选择“电池优化”。 点击向下箭头,然后选择“所有应用”。 点击“Teams”,然后点击“不优化”。
Currently, Windows NT has the following status in regard to C2 security and its equivalents. Windows NT 3.5 Microsoft® Windows NT® version 3.5 with U.S. Service Pack 3 has been evaluated and rated at the C2 level by the U.S. government for stand-alone Compaq ProLiant 2000 and 4000...
Unlike Skype Meeting Broadcast – and in contrast to a typical Teams meeting – it’s not currently possible to add additional presenters to a broadcast once the broadcast has started. So, make sure all presenters are added before starting the broadcast. Remember to include remote p...
Our security teams work around the clock to help protect every person and organization on the planet from security threats. We also know that security is a team sport, and that’s why we also partner with the global security community through our bug bounty programs to proactively identify and...