“After four months of running the app in pilot, hundreds of teams at Microsoft are now using the new and improved version.” What we learned as Customer Zero From all the internal employee usage of the Icebreaker app has come great insight and response. For instance, Medina was instrumental...
Icebreaker Icebreaker 是一个 Microsoft Teams 机器人,通过每周随机安排两名团队成员会面来帮助提高团队凝聚力。 该机器人通过自动建议对两个成员都有效的空闲时间来简化日程安排。 通过此应用,可加强个人联系并构建联系紧密的社区。 除了在整个团队中鼓励建立个人联系外,Icebreaker 应用还可以帮助在组...
Icebreaker Icebreaker 是一个 Microsoft Teams 机器人,通过每周随机安排两名团队成员会面来帮助提高团队凝聚力。 该机器人通过自动建议对两个成员都有效的空闲时间来简化日程安排。 通过此应用,可加强个人联系并构建联系紧密的社区。 除了在整个团队中鼓励建立个人联系外,Icebreaker 应用还可以帮助在组织内培养基于兴趣的社...
Icebreaker Icebreaker is a Microsoft Teams bot that helps your team get closer by pairing two random team members up every week to meet. The bot makes scheduling easy by automatically suggesting free times that work for both members. Strengthen personal connections and build a tightly knit ...
Learn to use app templates for Microsoft Teams platform with detailed instructions on deploying and installing an app.
Discover Microsoft Teams games to boost team morale, improve communication, and foster collaboration. That games offer an effective way to break the ice.
Icebreaker Icebreaker is a Microsoft Teams bot that helps your team get closer by pairing two random team members up every week to meet. The bot makes scheduling easy by automatically suggesting free times that work for both members. Strengthen personal connections and build a tightly knit communit...
IcebreakerIcebreaker ist einMicrosoft Teams-Bot, der Ihrem Team hilft, sich näher zu kommen, indem er jede Woche zwei zufällige Teammitglieder zu einem Treffen zusammenbringt. Der Bot erleichtert die Terminplanung, indem er automatisch freie Termine vorschlägt, die für beide Mitglieder geei...
Icebreaker Icebreaker is a Microsoft Teams bot that helps your team get closer by pairing two random team members up every week to meet. The bot makes scheduling easy by automatically suggesting free times that work for both members. Strengthen personal connections and build a tightly knit communit...
View AI prompt examples to uncover fun icebreaker ideas and questions. Read more Everyday AI February 14, 2025 Get stress management tips with AI Give these AI stress-management tips and prompts a try. Have a laugh, personalize a guided meditation, and more with AI. Read more Everyday...