管理員 可以閱讀 Microsoft Teams 會議室 的版本資訊,其中列出 Microsoft Teams 會議室 中的累積改良功能。
在Teams 的 Microsoft 365 Government - GCC, GCCH and DoD 部署中,預設會封鎖所有第三方應用程式。 在 GCC 中,您會在 Microsoft Teams 系統管理中心的應用程式許可權原則頁面上,看到下列有關管理第三方應用程式的注意事項。使用全組織應用程式設定來控制使用者是否可以安裝第三方應用程式。 全組織應用程式設定會控...
瞭解如何在 teams Microsoft設定通話佇列。 通話佇列提供問候語訊息、按住音樂、重新導向通話,以及其他功能。
In a Microsoft 365 Government - GCC, GCCH and DoD deployment of Teams, all third-party apps are blocked by default. In GCC, you see the following note about managing third-party apps on the app permission policies page in the Microsoft Teams admin center....
Teams app version: 1449/ Fixes to address sign-in issues on non-touch devices Fixes to address caller ID and caller display name issues Fixes to address calling related issues on GCCH deployments September 21, 2022 Teams app version: 1449/ (for non-vid...
This step by step guide will provide several options in getting Microsoft Teams implemented in your US Gov or DoD organization quickly for...
Domain: com.microsoft.teams2 Key: CloudType Data Type: Int Value: {Enter number associated with the cloud} 1 = Commercial, 2 = GCC, 3 = GCCH, 4 = DOD, 7 = Gallatin The .plist configuration can be propagated to managed devices using Intune as described inAdd preference file settings ...
{"__typename":"Theme","id":"customTheme1"},"Category:category:MicrosoftTeams":{"__typename":"Category","id":"category:MicrosoftTeams","entityType":"CATEGORY","displayId":"MicrosoftTeams","nodeType":"category","depth":3,"title":"Microsoft Teams","shortTitle":"Micros...
Explore the Microsoft Graph REST API Get started with the Microsoft Graph API Build a sample app in minutes Choose a language, get a client ID, and download a working sample that calls Microsoft Graph. Try the Quick Start Or, follow along step-by-step to build your sample. ...
Developer Portal Download Teams Toolkit Version Microsoft Teams PowerShell Search Overview Reference MicrosoftTeamsPowerShell Commands Add-TeamChannelUser Add-TeamsAppInstallation Add-TeamUser Clear-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberOrder Clear-TeamsEnvironmentConfig Complete-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberOrder Connect-MicrosoftTea...