Teams Essentials has most of the features that Microsoft Teams Free (classic) has. And, once you upgrade, you’ll maintain access to your data. Designed specifically with small- and medium-sized businesses in mind, Teams Essentials is the newest version of Teams, which you can purchase separat...
Microsoft Teams Free (classic), the legacy free Teams app for business. Microsoft is making this change to invest in a single free Teams experience across personal and small business. For over a year, Microsoft has only allowed new customers to sign up for the new Microsoft Tea...
Microsoft Teams Premium Teams Premium 带来了最新技术,使会议更加智能、个性化和受保护。 学到更多 经典Teams 的可用版本已终止 Classic Teams 将于 2024 年 7 月 1 日停止支持,并于 2025 年 7 月 1 日停止提供。请确保您的组织做好准备。请阅读下面的技术文档,了解更多详细信息和时间表。 学到更多收养...
In order to switch from Microsoft Teams Free (classic) to Microsoft Teams (free), then you need to first signup to Microsoft Teams (free) from the website. Then you need to open the Team app > click on your name in the top right hand corner and sign out. Si...
Classic Teams 用戶將在 2024 年 3 月 31 日後自動升級,或您可以選擇 試用新團隊 立即在經典 Teams 應用程式的左上角進行切換。讓我們知道您對我們的想法 團隊反饋門戶. 沒有看到切換開關?嘗試登出並重新登錄,或諮詢您的 IT 管理員,以取得有關您的組織何時啟用新 Teams 體驗的指導。 使用者幫助和學習讓會議...
The update came as the retirement date of the company’s legacy Teams Free (classic) version nears in April.
There's a simple way to check if you're currently using Microsoft Teams Free (classic): Open Microsoft Teams and select your profile picture in the top right hand corner of the app. You'll seeMicrosoft Teams Free (classic)at the top of the menu. ...
Microsoft 365 重要通知:Classic Teams于2024 年 3 月 31 日退役,请尽快升级New Teams,51CTO博客链接:今天在Teams的客户端上看到一则消息:在2024年3月31 日之后,任何尚未更新到新Teams的经典Teams用户都将自动更新为新的Teams
There's a simple way to check if you're currently using Microsoft Teams Free (classic): Open Microsoft Teams and select your profile picture in the top right hand corner of the app. You'll seeMicrosoft Teams Free (classic)at the top of the menu. ...
I was wondering if there is a way to move users from teams free classic into an existing tenant with proper licensing (business basic). The users in question...