Got a suggestion or feedback to help make Teams better? We’d love to get your input. In Teams, selectSettings and more >Feedback .From here you can: Report a problem Give a compliment Suggest a feature Image: Feedback options in Teams... If you schedule a meeting in a channel you could create a form using the Forms bot, just type @forms, you could also do that in the meeting cha...
notificationSettingTurnedOff - 關閉 Teams Android 應用程式的推送通知。 notificationNavPreCall -在會議開始時,使用者會收到會議通知,並將他們導覽到選取範圍中的 [預先通話] 畫面。 ocvFeedback - 與 OCV 回函表單的效能相關聯。 ocvFormCancelled - 當 OCV 回函表單取消且使用者返回應用程式時,會傳送事件。 oc...
桌面AndroidiOS 是否有帮助改进 Teams 的建议或反馈? 我们希望得到你的意见。 在Teams 中,选择“设置和更多 > 。在此处,你可以: 报告问题 赞美 建议一项功能 图像:Teams 中的反馈选项 Microsoft 365 免费试用版正在等待你使用 立即解锁
Thank you for the feedback! We are currently reviewing actionable areas where we can improve the emoji set, including contrast improvements.The Microsoft Fluent Emojis were brought to life to embrace expressiveness and play - one emoji at a time! This update has rolled out for Teams and will ...
Microsoft Teams Feedback In this article The Report a problem feature Surveys Set whether users can send feedback about Teams to Microsoft Teams feedback policy Show 3 more Users in your organization can send feedback about Microsoft Teams to let us know how we're doing directly from within ...
We want to hear from you! To send feedback about Microsoft Forms, go to the upper right corner of your form and selectMore form settings >Feedback. See Also Download and install Microsoft Teams Frequently asked questions about Microsoft Forms...
转到Microsoft Teams 管理中心,在左侧导航中,选择“ 分析& 报表”,然后在“ 查看报表”下选择要运行的报表。备注 Microsoft Teams 管理中心中的报表与Microsoft 365 管理中心Microsoft 365 报表中的 Teams 的活动报告分开。 有关Microsoft 365 管理中心中的活动报告的详细信息,请参阅管理中心中的 Microsoft 365 报告...
Modifies a Teams feedback policy (the ability to send feedback about Teams to Microsoft and whether they receive the survey).
Feedback We want to hear from you! SelectSettings and more > Help in the top right corner of the Teams app, and then select eitherGive feedbackorSuggest a feature to share your thoughts about this feature. Learn about theMicrosoft 365 Insider programand sign up for theMicrosoft 36...