在自動語音應答中,您可以選擇要包含或排除的使用者群組,來指定誰可以進行目錄搜尋。 (這稱為 dial scope.) 內部來電者可以使用其 Teams 用戶端撥打指派給自動語音應答的資源帳戶,以聯機到自動語音應答。 外部來電者可以撥打指派給資源帳戶的電話號碼,或如果已設定隨選即用,則可透過網路連絡自動語音應答。
tabActionOpenInTeams - 開啟的使用情況。 此屬性為瞭解索引標籤是否可以在 Teams 中預設設為 [開啟] 的關鍵所在。 tabActionRemove - 瞭解 [刪除] 選項的可探索性和功能的使用情況。 tabActionRename - 瞭解 [重新命名] 的可探索性和功能的使用情況。 tabActionSetting、Android-修正 -使用者如何探索並使用行...
For example, you might want to add an Audio Conferencing license so that users can dial in to meetings using their phones. Or, your organization might decide to deploy Teams Phone, which provides PBX functionality, with an additional option for connecting to the Public Switched Telephone Netw...
Microsoft Teams:針對非電話的線路密鑰進行快速撥號自定義: 此功能可讓使用者快速存取經常撥號的聯繫人和號碼,並能夠針對經認證為 Microsoft Teams 的非電話裝置,在行鍵按鈕和側車上設定自定義聯繫人和快速撥號。 此功能可讓您使用單點撥號功能,並輕鬆管理線路密鑰和側車上的連絡清單。 部署具有彈性成員資格的一線小組...
After assigning a Microsoft Calling Plan to a user, it can take up to 24 hours before they'll see the dial pad in their Teams client. If the dial pad isn't shown in 24 hours, check yourdial pad configuration. If necessary, you can alsocontact support. ...
In the Teams client, the dial pad enables users to access Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) functionality. The dial pad is available for users with a Teams Phone license, provided they're configured properly. The following criteria are all required for the dial pad to show:User has an...
Microsoft Teams 本文内容 第1 步:了解音频会议在你所在国家/地区是否可用 第2 步:获取和分配许可证 第3 步:获取会议网桥服务号码 第4 步:将服务号码分配给会议网桥 显示另外 5 个 本文适用于为 Teams 会议部署音频会议的管理员和 IT 专业人员。 阅读本文之前,请参阅规划音...
In the Teams client, the dial pad enables users to access Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) functionality. The dial pad is available for users with a Teams Phone license, provided they're configured properly. The following criteria are all required for the dial pad to show:User has an...
进行和接收 PSTN 呼叫:Microsoft Teams Phone 允许用户使用传统电话服务拨打和接收公用交换电话网络 (PSTN) 的电话呼叫。 要支持用户拨打和接听 PSTN 呼叫,需要将 Microsoft Teams 电话连接到 PSTN。 然后,用户可以使用 Dial Pad 在 PSTN 上拨打座机或手机。
Some features described in this article require Teams Premium.This reference describes the different policies that can be used in Microsoft Teams. This reference organizes each section by its related policy area, and also includes any PowerShell-only policies.Teams...