將聊天訊息從組織中使用者信箱中刪除為另一個組織所擁有的交談對話中的聊天訊息,唯一的方法是使用Teams的保留原則。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱瞭解 Microsoft Teams 的保留期。 使用者體驗 對於已刪除的聊天訊息,使用者會看到自動產生的訊息,指出「此訊息已由系統管理員刪除」。
匯出Microsoft Teams (免費版) 資訊或數據不包含先前刪除的聊天。瞭解如何匯出或刪除 Microsoft Teams (免費版) 數據。 在聊天中共用的任何附加檔案、訊息和連結,仍然可供聊天中的其他參與者存取。 您可以藉由變更檔案的許可權,移除先前共用檔案的存取權。深入瞭解如何變更 OneDrive 檔案的許可權。
chatListNavConversations - 當使用者點進去聊天清單專案時。 chatCancelAudioCall - 取消群組音訊通話 - [確認] 對話方塊。 chatCanceVideoCall - 取消群組視訊通話 - [確認] 對話方塊。 chatCM_CopyText 點選聊天快顯功能表上的 [複製文字]。 chatCM_DeleteMessage 刪除聊天快顯功能表上的 [刪除訊息]。 chatCM...
In Microsoft Teams (free), you can only delete a message or image you’ve sent in a chat or your communities. Deleted messages will be removed for everyone in the chat. AndroidiOSDesktop To delete a message or image you’ve sent in Microsoft Teams (free) in Chat or Communities: Go to...
chatListNavConversations - 用户点击聊天列表项时。 chatCancelAudioCall - 取消群组音频呼叫 - 确认对话框。 chatCancelVideoCall - 取消组视频呼叫 - 确认对话框。 chatCM_CopyText - 点击聊天上下文菜单上的“复制文本”。 chatCM_DeleteMessage - 点击聊天上下文菜单上的“删除消息”。 chatCM_edit - 点击聊天...
Microsoft在Message Center Notification宣布2022年12月初在Teams桌面版或者浏览器版或者移动客户端都可以在Chat History中删除聊天记录。 在删除聊天之前,Teams会警告用户“您需要单独删除您共享的任何内容(文件、任务等)”,如果Teams删除了Chat History,它可能会破坏很多东西,所以慎重删除。
>Delete. Delete a file from a chat You can remove a file from a chat message you've already sent by editing the message (seeEdit or delete a sent messagefor instructions). Recover a deleted channel file SelectTeams in Teams. Select the team you want to dele...
>Delete. Delete a file from a chat You can remove a file from a chat message you've already sent by editing the message (seeEdit or delete a sent messagefor instructions). Recover a deleted channel file SelectTeams in Teams. Select the team you want to dele...
Microsoft TeamsForum Discussion plmcgrn Copper ContributorJan 26, 2024 Teams fails to delete chats When attempting to delete a chat from my chats view, I get a generic error We couldn't delete your chat. Try again later. When debugging in the Edge developer console, it appears that the Team...
Remove-MgUserChatMessage -InputObject <ITeamsIdentity> [-IfMatch <String>] [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>] [-Headers <IDictionary>] [-PassThru] [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Description Delete navigation property messages for users Parameters ...