dashboardNav - 使用者瀏覽至聊天儀表板上的磚。 dateChanged - 使用者修改了班次日期。 datePickerLaunch - 確認日期選擇器已順利啟動。 dayClicked - 當使用者看到其班次時,選取日檢視。 daySaved - 使用者儲存每日的可使用時間,節省一天的班次。 declineTimeOffRequest - 當使用者拒絕工作休假要求。 這是休假的...
navDashboardTab - 用户导航到对话中的“仪表板”选项卡。 navDynamics365 - Dynamics365 应用打开时触发。 navFiles - 选择了文件应用程序,跟踪用户是否可以在应用程序托盘 (iOS) 中启动文件应用程序。 navFilesTab - 选择了文件应用程序,跟踪用户是否可以在底部导航栏 (iOS) 中启动文件应用程序。 navMeetings -...
tasksAppLaunchDashboard - 任务应用程序从仪表板磁贴或特定计划打开,通过 MT 服务检查应用程序启动。 tasksAppLaunchDashboardSeeAll - 任务应用程序从仪表板上的“查看全部”按钮打开,通过 MT 服务检查应用程序启动。 tasksAppLaunchDefault - 任务应用程序从底部抽屉打开,通过 MT 服务检查应用程序启动情况。 tabCalenda...
Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) Dashboards help keep track of your project and drive collaboration with your team. You can now configure your VSTS...
Microsoft Teamsの概要 インベントリと資産の予約 InvGate Virtual Agent InVision iotspot iPlanner Pro ipushpull 鉄壁 Ironclad EU isEazy Skills isolved ISOPlanner ライブラリ IT-Connect Jabber Jaimie Jetdocs Jibble Jira Cloud Jira データ センター Jira Integration Plus JobPts Jochem.ai Jostle ...
Teams Essentials (AAD Identity) licenses purchased through a Microsoft Partner. For important differences w ith Microsoft Teams Essentials licenses purchased directly from the Microsoft website or customer admin portal, please refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/Micros oftTeams/get-started-with-teams-...
By default, mind maps created within a Microsoft Teams channel are automatically added to a folder called “Microsoft Teams”. You can either keep the maps in there, or move them to any other folder on your dashboard after they’ve been created. Tip: To move a map from...
Teams users can turn off the setting to automatic external app/URL launch as well. CRM integration will ensure that customer records are automatically opened when a call queue agent answers an incoming call. Administrators will be able to assign this capability to specific users so that incoming ...
You can upload a Cognos Analytics app to Microsoft Teams, allowing you to connect to an external Cognos Analytics server from within Teams. You can then add a tab in Teams that displays a dashboard from the Cognos Analytics environment.
Learn about charts, widgets, dashboards, and reports available to monitor status and trends in Azure DevOps.