如果当前正在使用Microsoft Teams 免费版 (经典) ,有一种简单的检查方法: 打开Microsoft Teams 并选择应用右上角的个人资料图片。 你将在菜单顶部看到Microsoft Teams 免费版 (经典)。 组织成员还将在其聊天顶部看到一个横幅,告知他们 Teams 免费 (经典) 即将消失。
今天在Teams的客户端上看到一则消息:在 2024 年 3 月 31 日之后,任何尚未更新到新 Teams 的经典 Teams 用户都将自动更新为新的 Teams,如下所示: 该变更对于新的Teams的用户没有重大影响,这将意味着你无需投资任何进一步的培训,相反用户可以体验到更快的性能和更少的内存使用。 但作为Teams Admin,有以下几个...
桌面版和 Teams for Web 版之间的功能差异 新Teams 客户端的使用情况报告 经典Teams 客户端 从Skype for Business 升级 Teams 培训 安全性、合规性和隐私 Teams 中的 AI、Copilot 和代理 管理和监视 Teams Teams、聊天和频道 会议和音频会议 语音- Teams 电话和 PSTN 连接 ...
对Microsoft Teams 免费版(经典)的访问将于 2023 年 4 月 12 日结束。了解如何升级到 Microsoft Teams 基础版,以保留聊天、文件、频道和会议。
End of support: The end of our supporting classic Teams client. We'll no longer provide updates or new features for the client, nor will we help resolve support issues with the classic Teams client. End of availability: The end of functionality for the classic Teams client. After this dead...
You won’t be able to save messages after classic Teams is no longer available in early 2024. In the meantime, you can download saved items from classic Teams to a local CSV file. Once downloaded, you can open these items directly in new Teams....
1. 登录到Microsoft Teams 管理中心。 2. 从左侧导航窗格中选择“Teams > 更新策略”。 3. 选择“添加”以创建新策略,或选择现有策略以打开“更新策略”。 4. 命名更新策略,添加说明,并选择“使用新 Teams 客户端”的设置,如下所示。 5. 从此设置中选择“新 Teams”作为默认设置,以确保用户在启动时可以获得...
The classic Team client is no longer supported. This client is not receiving further updates, including security updates. The classic Teams client will not work after June 30, 2025. You must upgrade to the new Teams client before that time. SeeThe new Microsoft Teamsfor more information. ...
The classic Team client is no longer supported. This client is not receiving further updates, including security updates. The classic Teams client will not work after June 30, 2025. You must upgrade to the new Teams client before that time. SeeThe new Microsoft Teamsfor more information. ...
You have to upgrade to a new Microsoft 365 subscription. Merging Teams Free (classic) into an existing Microsoft 365 paid subscription is not supported. If your org has more than 300 users, you'll need to upgrade to one of our enterprise licenses, s...