可以创建指向 Teams 聊天的深层链接,例如开始新聊天、转到频道对话以及访问频道中的文件。 用于开始新聊天的深层链接 可以通过指定一组参与者,导航到使用 Microsoft Teams JavaScript 客户端库 (TeamsJS) 的用户之间创建私人聊天。 如果不存在与指定参与者的聊天,则会将用户导航到空的新聊天。
leaveChat -確認離開聊天。 legacyChatLink -已選取舊版聊天的連結。 link - 使用者透過輸入 Teams 應用程式以啟動邀請連結兌換。 likeAppDismiss -當詢問使用者是否喜歡該應用程式的提示在沒有回應的情況下關閉時。 likeAppNo - 當詢問使用者是否喜歡應用程式的提示收到 [否] 的回復時。 likeAppYes - 當詢問使...
activityLiveChatClicked - 从“活动”选项卡上的实时会议中选择聊天时触发。 activityLiveDetailsClicked - 当从“活动”选项卡上的实时会议中选择“详细信息”时触发。 activityTabClicked - 有助于确定: 显示“活动”选项卡。 Teams 捕获“活动”选项卡事件。 activityTypeDropdown - 捕获活动筛选器使用情况,以在“...
通过移动设备、拨入号码和 Microsoft Teams 等联机会议应用,加入会议。 会议设备 获得设备其他功能,例如专为联机会议设计的免提电话或会议室系统。 通过联机会议软件功能保持工作流 快速了解一些联机会议功能,这些功能涵盖从安排到跟进的各个方面。 概述 Guided Tour ...
Join from chat Join by link In your meeting invite, selectJoin the meeting nowto join on Teams for web or desktop. If you already have the Teams app, the meeting will open there automatically. Ifyou don’t have a Teams accountand the organizer has allowed it, you can enter your name ...
If you receive a one-to-one or group chat invitation from someone you haven't chatted with before in Microsoft Teams (free), you'll be prompted to accept the invitation before joining the chat. You can accept or block any unknown invitation. If you accept the invitation, the...
4 New connected chat Start a new chat that is connected with the record. These chats can only be viewed in by the chat participants. 5 Other chats Chats that aren't connected to any records or started from Teams. 6 Chat control Allows users to multi-task across chats. 7 Basic Teams fu...
Join from chat Join by link In your meeting invite, select Join the meeting now to join on Teams for web or desktop. If you already have the Teams app, the meeting will open there automatically. If you don’t have a Teams account and the organizer has allowed it, you can enter yo...
Learn more Microsoft Teams is for everyone Meet, chat, call, and collaborate in just one place—whether at home, work, school, or with friends. Follow Microsoft Teams
When you set up a Microsoft Teams channel, users can chat with your digital assistant (or a standalone skill) through the Microsoft Teams user interface. Here's the process for setting up a channel: In Microsoft Teams' Developer Portal, create an app and add a bot to that app. ...