Virtual backgrounds can eliminate distractions with background blur or lighten the mood and improve team engagement with fun pre-designed background images.
Virtual backgrounds can eliminate distractions with background blur or lighten the mood and improve team engagement with fun pre-designed background images.
Microsoft Teams 中的自定义背景有助于展示您自己的个人风格,让会议更加有趣和包容!加入 Teams 会议时,您希望将注意力集中在您身上,而不是房间里的其他东西。自定义背景提供了一种很好的方式,可以最大限度地减少这些干扰,并带来面对面的新方式。 提交背景 如何在 Microsoft Teams 中自定义您的背景 在会议开始前更...
详细了解 Microsoft Teams 会议 Teams 电话 设备 即时消息 应用和工作流 前线员工 医疗保健 安全性和合规性 立即开始使用 Microsoft Teams [1]致俄罗斯公民的重要通知:由于存在产生法律后果的风险,我们建议不要在俄罗斯使用或分发此 Microsoft Teams 背景。请遵守俄罗斯的国家法律。
Microsoft Teams Backgrounds are here (finally) Last year, Microsoftannounceda new feature that allows Microsoft Teams users to customize their backgrounds. Previously, Teams users had been able to blur their backgrounds which was marginally helpful, but this new capability allows users toreplacetheir ...
In a blog post, Microsoft announced that it is releasing a ton of new background options in Microsoft Teams, the company’s Slack competitor. The company called today’s release: “The most extensive update since the first collection released in 2020.” The new backgrounds that are beginning ...
Unable to Customize Microsoft Teams Background: Fix When we started testing the backgrounds feature for Microsoft Teams, we came across the issue of the Background effects option not showing up. There is a simple fix for this that worked for us. Unfortunately, this issue is more common, and...
Of course, you may also browse through our selection of thebest Microsoft Teams backgroundsas well. Types of backgrounds available 1. Premade backgrounds There are plenty of Hallowing Teams backgrounds online to choose from. We have made a selection for you and provided the links so you can do...
Take advantage of the new AI-generated Decorate effect in Teams to further personalize your backgrounds. There are five options to choose from: Clean up: Tidies up your surroundings, removing clutter and creating a more streamlined and minimalistic aesthetic. Fancy: Incorporates lavish and...
Present a couch from The Simpsons, display bright stadium lights, or show your pride with custom backgrounds in Microsoft Teams. When you join a video meeting in Microsoft Teams, you canchange the background you use for your camera. Maybe you don’t want everyone to see what’s behind you...