Download Microsoft Teams Backgrounds ✓ Get Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds in sizes up to 8K ✓ 100% Free ✓ Download & Personalise for all Devices.
Virtual backgrounds can eliminate distractions with background blur or lighten the mood and improve team engagement with fun pre-designed background images.
详细了解 Microsoft Teams 会议 Teams 电话 设备 即时消息 应用和工作流 前线员工 医疗保健 安全性和合规性 立即开始使用 Microsoft Teams [1]致俄罗斯公民的重要通知:由于存在产生法律后果的风险,我们建议不要在俄罗斯使用或分发此 Microsoft Teams 背景。请遵守俄罗斯的国家法律。
通过模糊或更改背景,在 Teams 会议期间保持背景私密。 上传自己的图像,或从 Teams 中已有的背景图像中进行选择。 在Teams 高级版中,将品牌徽标或图像应用于背景。 注意:模糊或替换背景可能不会阻止敏感信息对通话或会议中的其他人可见。 桌面移动版 更改背景 会议前 转到Teams 日历。 选择一个会议,然后选...
在Microsoft Teams (免费版) 中,你可以模糊或自定义视频会议和通话的背景效果。 可以选择可用的背景、筛选器或上传自己的图像。 注意:筛选器仅在桌面上可用。 移动版桌面版 在会议开始前编辑或更改背景 在加入会议之前,可以选择背景设置。 在Teams 应用中,点击“日历 ...
Microsoft Teams Premium / 裝飾你的背景 商業用戶的 Microsoft Teams 進階操作影片系列 裝飾你的背景 現在您可以使用AI裝飾您的背景,展現您的個人風格,讓會議變得更加有趣和包容! 觀看商業用戶的 Microsoft Teams Premium 操作方法影片系列 智慧會議回顧 水印 即時翻譯字幕 自訂會議模板 ...
Hi all, Is it no longer possible to add background images in the headline in teams announcements? Has this been generally switched off? Version You have Microsoft Teams version 23272.2708.2452.9... HiSvenJHH, here are some information regarding your issue: ...
How can I add additional background images in Teams? I'm using both apps, one for personal use and one for work. I need to add new background effect to the teams for personal use but there isn't a...Show More Meetings microsoft teams Settings User Interfac...
Welcome to Teams Get started Security, compliance, and privacy AI, Copilot, and agents in Teams Teams Premium Manage and monitor Teams Teams, chats, and channels Meetings and Audio Conferencing Voice - Teams Phone and PSTN connectivity Teams Rooms and devices Manage apps in Teams Industries and ...
Welcome to Teams Get started Security, compliance, and privacy AI, Copilot, and agents in Teams Teams Premium Manage and monitor Teams Teams, chats, and channels Meetings and Audio Conferencing Voice - Teams Phone and PSTN connectivity Teams Rooms and devices Manage apps in Teams Industries and ...