了解Teams 免费版如何帮助你无缝地与他人开会和聊天、在线共享文件以及随时随地与任何人协作 - 所有这些都在一个应用中完成。 免费注册 下载Teams 浏览适合你的公司的 Teams 使用Teams 让沟通变得更容易 使用多合一应用程序,在线与他人联系。随时随地轻松可靠地与任何人开会、聊天和共享内容。
了解Teams 免费版如何帮助你无缝地与他人开会和聊天、在线共享文件以及随时随地与任何人协作 - 所有这些都在一个应用中完成。 免费注册 下载Teams 浏览适合你的公司的 Teams 使用Teams 让沟通变得更容易 使用多合一应用程序,在线与他人联系。随时随地轻松可靠地与任何人开会、聊天和共享内容。
如果拥有 Microsoft 365 个人版或 Microsoft 365 家庭版订阅,则可以获得 Teams 家庭版中的额外功能。包括: 长达30 小时的无限制群组通话和会议。 每次会议人数上限 300 人。 每位用户 1 TB 的云存储空间。 详细了解家庭版订阅提供的额外福利 是的,你可以从免费版 Teams 升级为 Microsoft 365 个人版或 Micros...
如果拥有 Microsoft 365 个人版或 Microsoft 365 家庭版订阅,则可以获得 Teams 家庭版中的额外功能。包括: 长达30 小时的无限制群组通话和会议。 每次会议人数上限 300 人。 每位用户 1 TB 的云存储空间。 详细了解家庭版订阅提供的额外福利 是的,你可以从免费版 Teams 升级为 Microsoft 365 个人版或 Micros...
Microsoft Teams for education is a powerful communication app for schools that enhances collaboration and learning. It integrates everyone and everything in one place, and it’s free for students and teachers of all grade levels with a valid email address. ...
新的统一 Teams 桌面应用 在任何 Teams 帐户(个人、工作或学校)之间切换,而无需在 Teams 应用之间切换。 若要添加或访问其他 Teams 帐户,请选择 Teams 右上角的个人资料图片。 若要了解详细信息,请参阅在 Microsoft Teams 中管理帐户和组织。 快速访问相机和音频设置 ...
For example, Contoso connector for Microsoft Teams. The app name mustn't have any reference to Microsoft or Microsoft products. Don’t use Teams or Microsoft, in the app name unless your app is in official partnership with Microsoft. In such an instance, the app nam...
Not for your OS. Looking for Windows version? Microsoft Teams free download Free Download for Mac What will happen when you click Free Download? You will be redirected to an external website to complete the download. If you encounter any issues with your download, please report them here. ...
Build your first appGet your free developer's guide What are collaborative apps? Collaborative apps bring teams together, enabling seamless communication and collaboration. With Teams, you can build collaborative apps that are: Borderless Empower seamless work. Eliminate barriers and interruptions, and ...
Note:Office 365 Education now includes Teams. This means that Teams is free for all faculty, staff, and students through Office 365 Education! The table below describes a few examples of ways educators can work together in Teams to help support innovative teaching methods and ...