With Microsoft Teams, you can build collaborative apps that make communication seamless, connected, and intelligent.
Microsoft Teams platform makes it easy for developers to build apps on Teams. Developers can integrate their own apps and services to improve productivity.
Microsoft Teams Developer documentation What's new? Glossary Overview Get started Plan your app Design your app Tools and SDKs Build tabs Build bots Build message extensions Build apps for Teams meetings and calls Build webhooks and connectors Build cards and dialogs Add...
Microsoft Teams platform makes it easy for developers to build apps on Teams. Developers can integrate their own apps and services to improve productivity.
Teams AI library supports both OpenAI and Azure OpenAI Assistants API in public developer preview for you to get started with building intelligent assistants. Assistants API allows you to create powerful AI assistants capable of performing tasks that are difficult to code using tradi...
Sign in to Teams What's new in Teams Record a meeting Delete a chat Find and join a team Change your status Manage your notifications Change your meeting background Reduce background noise in a meeting More resources About Teams Get Teams Premium Use Teams...
从Skype for Business 升级到 Teams 概述 发现Microsoft Teams 高级版 IT 专业人员 - Microsoft Teams 入门 试点 规划推广和试点解决方案,以便拥有平顺体验。 准备最终用户采用 载入用户并共享方案以获取成功。 规划企业版部署 准备环境和基础结构以开始部署。
Microsoft Teams documentation is part of the Microsoft Learn technical documentation library. The content is organized into groups called docsets, each representing a group of related documents managed as a single entity. You can ask questions, provide suggestion, or provide updates. Seehow to contrib...
Teams is well integrated into Microsoft 365 and combines multiple workloads into a unified communication and collaboration system. In addition, Teams offers integration capabilities for other tools and third-party products. Get documentation, sample code, tutorials, and more to help you build custom ...
Build apps faster and deliver immediate value to your customers through API-first approaches. Decouple front- and back-end teams through API mocking, API revisions and versioning, and automated API documentation. See how supermarket chain Wegmans created a new mobile application in less than eight ...