如果应用程序调用 CreateRestorePoint 方法来创建还原点,如果在过去 24 小时内创建了任何还原点,则 Windows 将跳过创建此新还原点。 CreateRestorePoint 方法返回S_OK。开发人员可以在注册表项 HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore 下编写创建 DWORD 值SystemRestorePointCreationFrequency 的...
Change the allocation by using the Vssadmin command, syntax: vssadmin resize shadowstorage /On=C: /For=C: /Maxsize=1G (where Maxsize=the amount of disk space you've allocated to System Restore points, you should increase it larger) Then reboot your computer Restore point deletion can also...
Change the allocation by using the Vssadmin command, syntax: vssadmin resize shadowstorage /On=C: /For=C: /Maxsize=1G (where Maxsize=the amount of disk space you've allocated to System Restore points, you should increase it larger) Then reboot your...
For more information, see LimitSystemRestoreCheckpointing or Setting a Restore Point from a Custom Action. Beginning with Windows Installer 5.0, the MSIFASTINSTALL property can be set to prevent an installation from generating a system restore point....
D. Change the allocation by using the Vssadmin command, syntax: vssadmin resize shadowstorage /On=C: /For=C: /Maxsize=1G (where Maxsize=the amount of disk space you've allocated to System Restore points, you should increase it larger) ...
Anonymous March 18, 2013 Apparently this happens as well when you dual boot Windows 7 and 8. When you create a restore point in 8 and then boot to 7 and then back to 8, the restore point is gone. It also happens inn reverse.
创建还原点以允许用户选择以前的系统状态。 每个还原点都包含将系统还原到所选状态所需的信息。 还原点是在对系统进行密钥更改之前创建的。 系统还原会自动管理为还原点分配的磁盘空间。 它清除最早的还原点,为新还原点腾出空间。 系统还原根据硬盘大小和计算机运行的 Windows 版本分配空间,如下表所示。
All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, System Restore. A Welcome screen appeared, and System Restore asked whether I wanted to restore or create a restore point. I chose Create a restore point and clicked Next. I named my restore point Before Crystal Reports, as Figure 1 shows, and clicked...
Other System Security Features Other uses of Windows NT can be controlled, such as access to printers and network-server sharepoints. These features are discussed in detail in the product documentation for Windows NT and in the Windows NT resource kits. File and Directory Protection An administrat...
To restore to a point in time After you connect to the appropriate instance of the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine, in Object Explorer, click the server name to expand the server tree. ExpandDatabases. Depending on the database, either select a user database or expandSystem Databases, ...