3. 修改 Secure Boot 选项 参考如何使用 Surface UEFI修改 Secure Boot 选项为 "Microsoft & 3rd party CA", 具体参见「安全性」部分。 4. 修改启动顺序以使得能从U盘启动 参考3中的链接 5. 安装 安装这里有安装界面的截图和过程步骤。 三、安装内核 经过前面的步骤后,在你的设备上应该有了可以启动的 Linux ...
Solution: Turn on Secure Boot To turn on Secure Boot to help make your Surface more secure: Shut down your Surface and wait about 10 seconds to make sure it's off. Press and hold the volume-up button on your Surface, and, at the same time, press...
这里Secure Boot下方的Change configuration 必须选择None, 如果保持默认选项,会出现如下所示,并出现蓝屏提示:Verification failed:(15) Access Denied,无法进入。 在左侧点击Boot configuration标签,在右侧界面拖动USB storage至最上方 在左侧点击Exit标签,在右侧界面选择Restart now。 至此surface已设置为可从USB中加载文件...
若已安裝安全開機金鑰,您可以選取 [Delete All Secure Boot Keys] (刪除所有安全開機金鑰) 加以刪除。 設定替代系統開機順序 若要選取 Surface 啟動的順序,請選取[設定替代系統開機順序],然後選取下列其中一個選項: SSD Only (僅限 SSD) 網路> USB > SSD ...
If you currently have a Windows Insider build installed, you may need to first turn off and then turn on Secure Boot for the USB boot drive to be recognized. For more info on how to change Secure Boot, seeHow do I use the BIOS/UEFI?andHow to use Surface UEFI. ...
3. Hold the volume-up key until the appearance and disappearance of the surface or Windows logo. You will then see the Surface UEFI. 4. Proceed to the Security page. Under Security boot, click Change configuration. 5. In the Change Secure Boot Configuration dialog box, change the option to...
Figure 3. Add a password to protect Surface UEFI settings.On the Security page, you can also change the configuration of Secure Boot on your Surface device. Secure Boot technology prevents unauthorized boot code from booting on your Surface device, which protects against bootkit and rootkit-type...
Install Default Secure Boot Keys To reinstall all of the Secure Boot keys that were originally installed with Windows (and only those), selectYes. When you’re finished, selectExit Setup>Yes. Surface Pro 3 Note:If you enter the administrator password i...
Surface Pro X Surface Studio 2+Secure boot and boot guardSurface devices' Root of Trust checks signatures and measurements to ensure each stage is secure and authentic before allowing the next phase of boot to proceed. Enabled by UEFI and TPM 2.0, Secure Boot ensures that only code signed, ...
Figure 3. Add a password to protect Surface UEFI settings.On the Security page, you can also change the configuration of Secure Boot on your Surface device. Secure Boot technology prevents unauthorized boot code from booting on your Surface device, which protects against bootkit and rootkit-type...