如果有多個下載專案可供使用,而您想要使用下載中心的最新驅動程式和韌體來更新 Surface,請選取符合您的 Surface 型號和 Windows 版本的 .msi 檔名,然後選取[下一步]。 例如: 若要使用 Windows 10 組建 19041 來更新 Surface Pro 7,請選擇SurfacePro7_Win10_19041_22.011.9935.0.msi。
如果有多個下載專案可供使用,而您想要使用下載中心的最新驅動程式和韌體來更新 Surface,請選取符合您的 Surface 型號和 Windows 版本的 .msi 檔名,然後選取[下一步]。 例如: 若要使用 Windows 10 組建 19041 來更新 Surface Pro 7,請選擇SurfacePro7_Win10_19041_22.011.9935.0.msi。
拔下Surface 并拆下键盘盖。 确保没有碎片、损坏或任何可能阻止连接的东西。 强制Surface 重启 如果你有 Surface Pro 5 或更高版本、Surface Book 2-3 或任何型号的 Surface Laptop、Surface Go 或 Surface Studio: 选择“启动>电源>关机,然后等待 Surface 关闭。 现在,按住电源按钮 20 秒钟。 如果看到徽标屏幕...
SurfacePro8_Win11_22621_24.103.32167.0.msi SurfacePro8_Win10_19045_24.103.34280.0.msi File Size: 751.8 MB 751.5 MB The following packages will continue to be updated with the latest drivers and firmware until the date listed in theSurface Driver and Firmware Support Lifecycle Policy. ...
[15] Surface Pro 9 (SQ® 3/5G) comes with Windows 11 Home on ARM. At this time, Surface Pro 9 (SQ® 3/5G) with Windows 11 Home on ARM will not install some games and CAD software, and some third-party drivers or anti-virus software. Certain features require specific hardwar...
为Surface 驱动程序启用同步 若要启用 Surface 驱动程序的同步,请执行以下步骤: 将Configuration Manger 控制台连接到顶级站点服务器。 转到“管理>站点配置>站点”,然后单击顶层站点。 在功能区中,选择“设置”>“配置站点组件>软件更新点”。 单击“分类”选项卡,然后单击“包括 surface 驱动程序和固件更新Microsoft”...
There is, however, one area that the Surface Pro with ARM architecture appears to be totally unusable: Windows Printer Drivers. I have installed Adobe Acrobat, the current cloud version on the Surface Pro and Acrobat seem to run okay, but no matter what I've tried, the Adobe PDF printer ...
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Surface Pro 9 with Intel® Evo™ 12th Gen processor and Thunderbolt™ 4 ports, delivers blazing fast performance. Optional 5G connectivity and enhanced video calling experiences available on Surface Pro 9 with Microsoft SQ® 3. Get the most out of your Surface ...
Keeping drivers and firmware up to date ensures: Enhanced security: Regular updates reduce vulnerabilities by addressing firmware-level risks. Improved performance: Drivers aligned with the latest OS updates ensure the best experience. Simplified management: Using tools like Intune and the Surface Managem...