如果有多個下載專案可供使用,而您想要使用下載中心的最新驅動程式和韌體來更新 Surface,請選取符合您的 Surface 型號和 Windows 版本的 .msi 檔名,然後選取[下一步]。 例如: 若要使用 Windows 10 組建 19041 來更新 Surface Pro 7,請選擇SurfacePro7_Win10_19041_22.011.9935.0.msi。
如果有多個下載專案可供使用,而您想要使用下載中心的最新驅動程式和韌體來更新 Surface,請選取符合您的 Surface 型號和 Windows 版本的 .msi 檔名,然後選取[下一步]。 例如: 若要使用 Windows 10 組建 19041 來更新 Surface Pro 7,請選擇SurfacePro7_Win10_19041_22.011.9935.0.msi。
Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Pro 10 for Business. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Pro 10 for Business, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI files include all ...
Windows 10版本更新和更高版本的服务驱动程序 Windows 10版本更新和更高版本的升级 & 服务驱动程序。 选择完产品后,单击“确定”。 同步软件更新点,使 Surface 驱动程序Configuration Manager。 同步Surface 驱动程序后,以部署其他更新的相同方式部署它们。
Surface update history Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Pro. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Pro, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The ZIP files include all of the drivers ...
Downgrade individual devices to Windows 10This section explains how to manually downgrade an individual Surface device to Windows 10.Athugasemd Some newer Surface devices are not compatible with Windows 10, including Surface Pro 11th Edition, Qualcomm processor; Surface Pro 11th Edition, Intel ...
For more information about disconnecting external devices, seeSafely remove hardware in Windows 10 Repair the system drive The system drive is the drive that contains thesystem partition. It is usually the C: drive. To check and repair errors on the system drive: ...
Windows 10, Windows 11 Feedback In this article Examples Learn more This document provides a reference that can be used for various IT tasks such as executing commands or installing drivers based on device model/SKU names. System Model and System SKU are variables stored in System Management BIO...
There is, however, one area that the Surface Pro with ARM architecture appears to be totally unusable: Windows Printer Drivers. I have installed Adobe Acrobat, the current cloud version on the Surface Pro and Acrobat seem to run okay, but no matter what I've tried, the Adobe PDF printer ...
There is, however, one area that the Surface Pro with ARM architecture appears to be totally unusable: Windows Printer Drivers. I have installed Adobe Acrobat, the current cloud version on the Surface Pro and Acrobat seem to run okay, but no matter what I've tried, the Adobe PDF printer ...