"Surface","lastActivityTime":"2024-12-23T10:46:43.000-08:00","messagesCount":5,"followersCount":0}},{"__typename":"TagEdge","cursor":"MHwyNzkxNXw2fDEwOzEwfHxwYzoxOjA","node":{"__typename":"Tag","id":"tag:27915","text":"Surface Pro 9","lastActivityTime":"2024-12-23T10:46...
i. Offres promotionnelles. Microsoft pourra occasionnellement proposer des Services pour une période d'évaluation durant laquelle elle ne vous facturera pas les Services. Microsoft se réserve le droit de vous facturer lesdits Services (au tarif normal) en cas de violation de votre part des ...
Hello, I am here to write about Windows 11 on a Surface Pro 5 with i5-7300 , 4gbram, TPM 2.0, Secure boot/UEFI. https://browser.geekbench.com/user/408093 As you can see Windows 11 is totally fine, I just wondering if they may lower it to allow me in offically?
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable For the last two days when I start the latest version of Money in Excel, I immediately get: "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable" Any advice would be appreciated.
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable For the last two days when I start the latest version of Money in Excel, I immediately get: "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable" Any advice would be appreciated.
Hello, I am here to write about Windows 11 on a Surface Pro 5 with i5-7300 , 4gbram, TPM 2.0, Secure boot/UEFI. https://browser.geekbench.com/user/408093 As you can see Windows 11 is tota... https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/design/minimum/supported/windows-11-supp...
I have a surface pro 1796, surface pro 5, 2017, what ever they want to call it. According to MS I'm not compatible for W11, is there a way around this? I looked at my requirements and it seems it the processor is not currently supported. Is that to say it will be in the futur...
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable For the last two days when I start the latest version of Money in Excel, I immediately get: "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable" Any advice would be appreciated.