To turn on or wake your Surface, press the power button and wait a few seconds. To find out where the power button is located,find out which Surface model you have, then see the Features page for it. On, off, sleep, and restart Here’s a quick overview of the power states for Sur...
Power button Surface Connect port 6. Back-facing camera 7. Volume 8. USB-C port 9. Kickstand 10. SIM door Surface Pro X and Windows 11 The Surface Pro X has a custom Microsoft SQ1™ or Microsoft SQ2™ ARM processor. Your Surface comes with: Windows 11 Home for ARM-based PCs ...
Surface Pro 3:開始畫面上沒有電源按鈕 注意 Surface 3 和 Surface Pro 3 隨附的映像會設定為顯示電源按鈕。 這是映像隨附的自定義專案。 若要在部署 Windows 映射時變更預設行為,IT 專業人員應該為新的安裝設定 Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup ShowPowerButtonOnStartScreen 設定。 資料收集 若您需要 Microsoft ...
Shut down your Surface and wait about 10 seconds to make sure it's off. Press and hold the volume-up button on your Surface, and, at the same time, press and release the power button. The Microsoft or Surface logo appears on your screen. Continue to hold the volume-up but...
Surface Pro 或 Surface Pro 2:开始屏幕上的电源按钮 Surface Pro 3:开始屏幕上没有电源按钮 备注 Surface 3 和 Surface Pro 3 附带的图像配置为显示电源按钮。 这是映像附带的自定义项。 若要在部署 Windows 映像时更改默认行为,IT 专业人员应为新安装设置设置 Microsoft-Windows-Shell-SetupShowPo...
Insert the USB drive into the USB-C port of your Surface. If you're using a USB drive that has a USB-A connector, you will need a USB-A to USB-C adapter. Press and hold the volume-down button on your Surface. While you're doing t...
Insert the USB drive into the USB-C port of your Surface. If you're using a USB drive that has a USB-A connector, you will need a USB-A to USB-C adapter. Press and hold the volume-down button on your Surface. While you're doing t...
Surface Pro, Windows 11 AI+ PC 单机加指定键盘,加购享价值328元新春礼赠 立即购买 Surface Laptop, Windows 11 AI+ PC 功能异常强大的超薄笔记本电脑,加购享价值329元新春礼赠 立即购买 使用Microsoft 365 充分利用每一天 只要购买一项计划,即可享受在线保护、安全的云存储空间和多款创新应用,满足你的...
Surface Pro ist das ideale Gerät für produktives Arbeiten unterwegs – mit blitzschneller Leistung, KI-beschleunigter Power und einem schlanken, leichten und vielseitigen Design.Secure by Design – and by DefaultDabei setzen wir kontinuierlich neue Maßstäbe, um unseren Kundinnen und ...
Surface Pro ist das ideale Gerät für produktives Arbeiten unterwegs – mit blitzschneller Leistung, KI-beschleunigter Power und einem schlanken, leichten und vielseitigen Design.Secure by Design – and by DefaultDabei setzen wir kontinuierlich neue Maßstäbe, um unseren Kundinnen und ...