创建密码重置磁盘是一项预防措施,可让你在忘记密码时重置 Windows 本地帐户密码。 密码重置磁盘是一种 U 盘,充当恢复工具,可让你在忘记密码时重新获得对文件和设置的访问权限。 它特别有用,因为它可以避免失去对帐户和数据的访问权限的麻烦,特别是如果你不使用可以在线重置密码的Microsoft帐户。
Microsoft 支持可帮助你处理 Microsoft 产品的问题。 查找有关 Microsoft Copilot、Microsoft 365、Windows、Surface 等操作方法的文章、视频和培训。
從USB Surface 復原映像磁碟驅動器開機。 當系統提示您時,請選取您的作業系統語言。 選取您的鍵盤配置。 選取[進階選項>]命令提示字元疑難解答>。 執行下列命令: 主控台 manage-bde -unlock -recoverypassword <password> C: 其中C: 是指派給磁碟的磁碟驅動器,而 <密碼> 是...
Step 5: Once verified, you’ll be prompted to enter a new password.Step 6: After resetting Windows 11 password, you can use the new password to log in to Windows 11 computer. Like 0 Reply Share Resources What's new Surface Pro 9 Surface Laptop 5 Surface Studio 2...
{"New tab":"What's New","New 1":"Surface Laptop Studio 2","New 2":"Surface Laptop Go 3","New 3":"Surface Pro 9","New 4":"Surface Laptop 5","New 5":"Surface Studio 2+","New 6":"Copilot in Windows","New 7":"Microsoft 365","New 8":"Windows 11 a...
Here are the steps to create a password reset disk. Make sure you're signed in with your local account. This option isn't available for Microsoft accounts Plug a USB flash drive into your device In the search box on the taskbar, typeControl Panel,...
Here are the steps to create a password reset disk. Make sure you're signed in with your local account. This option isn't available for Microsoft accounts Plug a USB flash drive into your device In the search box on the taskbar, typeControl Panel...
本文提供了解决在 Windows 10 中为相同磁盘 GUID 记录的事件 ID 158 的解决方法。 适用于:Windows 10 - 所有版本 原始KB 数:2983588 现象 记录事件 ID 158 的错误事件。 该事件指示为两个或更多个磁盘设备分配相同的磁盘 GUID。 备注 上述事件消息对客户端系统没有功能或性能影响。 此事件会发...
FDVRecoveryPasswordUsageDropDown_Name and FDVRecoveryKeyUsageDropDown_Name: Configure user storage of BitLocker recovery information FDVHideRecoveryPage_Name: Omit recovery options from the BitLocker setup wizard FDVActiveDirectoryBackup_Name: Save BitLocker recovery information to Active Directory Domain Servi...
Module: Storage Resets the status of a physical disk.SyntaxPowerShell კოპირება Reset-PhysicalDisk [-FriendlyName] <String> [-CimSession <CimSession>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-AsJob] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell კოპირება ...