Surface 二合一电脑 功能强大、适应性卓群、灵活百变——尽在 Surface Pro。 了解Surface 二合一电脑 Surface 笔记本电脑 性能卓群的 Surface 笔记本电脑,集时尚设计、高运行速度和强劲性能于一身。 了解所有 Surface 笔记本电脑 查找适合你的 Surface 设备 轻松回答几个简短问题,我们将为你推荐最符合需求的 Surface 设备...
Discover Microsoft Surface Copilot+ PCs, laptops, 2-in-1s, and computers built for all the ways you work, play, create, and connect.
Considering a Surface Pro 2-in-1 laptop for your needs at home, for work and everything in between? See what makes any Surface Pro the most versatile, powerful and adaptable 2-in-1 laptop available.
尋找您擁有哪一款 Surface 型號最簡單的方法就是使用 Surface 應用程式。 它會顯示您的 Surface 裝置和每個 Surface 配件的型號名稱。 附註:登入 Surface 應用程式時,您可以看到您也登入的其他 Surface 裝置的資訊。 開啟Surface 應用程式 在Surface 應用程式中,展開[裝置資訊],然後查看Surface 型號旁邊的值。
可通过多种方式了解你拥有的 Surface 设备型号。 在Surface 应用中查找 在"设置"中查找 查看系统信息 查看与Microsoft帐户关联的设备 在Surface 应用中查找 查找拥有的 Surface 型号的最简单方法是使用 Surface 应用。 它显示 Surface 设备和每个 Surface 附件的型号名称。
The Surface Pro 11 got a decent discount for Cyber Monday, making it an even better option than before. Luke Larsen December 2, 2024 My favorite Xbox Series X model is on sale right now With one of the newest Xbox Series X models, you'll never have to worry about file sizes or...
Search for words in your images in Office 365 Using computer vision technology, when you upload images, the location data (if available) from a photograph (such as Oslo, Norway), the identification and extraction of text will happen automaticall... ...
If you're not sure which Surface model you're using, seeWhich Surface model do I have?for more info. Note:You can upgrade your Surface Pro 6 to Windows 11. For more info, seeWindows 11 System Requirements. Tech specs *Type Cover, Surface Dial, Microsoft 365, Surface Pen, and some so...
Surface Hub 功能 单个玩家 描述 Let me introduce you to my favorite toy, a model train layout on a coffee table. You can build railways, control the train in EDIT and PLAY modes. No goals or tasks, just build, play, relax and enjoy the sight and sound. 详细显示 屏幕截图 用户也...
Surface Pro 4 also features an infrared (IR) face-detection camera so you can sign in to Windows without typing a password. For more info, seeWindows Hello. For more camera info, seeTake photos and videos with Surface. Work, play, watch, listen ...