If you’re having trouble getting your Surface Dock or Surface Docking Station working with your Surface, here's help. Before you begin troubleshooting First, to make sure your Surface is working properly, get the latest updates. For more info, seeDownload drivers and firmware for Surface. ...
如果Surface 无法连接到外部显示器,检查显示适配器和电缆。 有关更多帮助,请转到 将Surface 连接到外部显示器进行故障排除。 Surface 扩展坞充电时出现问题 对于为 Surface 充电时遇到的问题: 如果使用的是 Surface Dock: 如果Surface 设备电池为空,请先使用设备附带的电源为其充电几分钟,然后再次尝试使用 Surface D...
Plugable Docking Station (UD-ULTCDL)✓✓ Surface Dock 2✓ Surface Dock 1✓ Surface Laptop Go 3 Tested monitors for Surface Laptop Go 3 MonitorHDMIDisplayPortUSB-CVGAUSB 3.0 Dell U2719D✓✓✓ Dell P2419H✓✓✓ Dell U2720Q✓✓✓ ...
Je Surface voorbereiden voordat deze wordt bijgewerkt Om je voor te bereiden op updates: Sluit je Surface Type Cover of Surface-dockingstation (indien van toepassing) aan, zodat je ook hiervoor de meest recente updates ontvangt. Zorg ervoor dat je een internetverbinding ...
Side USB Enables or disables the USB port on the side of the Surface device. Additionally, the USB port can be enabled, but not allow booting. Enabled, Not Bootable, Disabled Docking Port Enables or disables the ports on the Surface docking station. Additionally, the docking port can be ena...
· Surface Pro 3 not charging when in docking station Both of these issues are due to older firmware. When you unbox a Surface Pro 3, there will be newer firmware available, due to the time difference between when the device is manufactured and finally makes its way to...
8. Februar 2024: Update für Surface Hub 2SDieses Update ist spezifisch für Surface Hub 2S und stellt die unten beschriebenen Treiber- und Firmwareupdates bereit:Surface System-Treiber – Schließt die Unterstützung für das optionale Migrationsangebot ab, mit dem Surface Hub 2S...
Black Yes - Warranty TextSelore USB C Docking Station for Laptop Dual Monitors, Upgrade14 in 1 Triple Monitor Docking Station Display USB C Hub Dual HDMI Adapter Dongle Triple 4K Docking Station for Dell/HP/Surface/MacBook NoFor Surface Pro 4/5/6 Docking Station Hub with HDMI Com...
Imwant to use my Surface docking station with another laptop and to enable that I need a Surface connect (female) to USB C. Has anyone come across such an adaptor? MGMRA Copper ContributorMay 22, 2024 Surface Doc 190Views 0likes 0Comments How to fix black screen of death in a Surface...
Jetzt steht firmenseitig eine komplett neue Ausstattung an und ich habe die Möglichkeit alles passend zu bekommen. Welche Dockingstation von Microsoft ermöglicht mir 2 4k Monitore an einem Surface Pro 9 betreiben zu können? Danke im voraus....