Surface Dock 2 功能 端口 1 USB-C 端口 使用此端口连接到 USB-C 附件。 2 电源 电源插孔可将扩展坞连接到其电源。 3 千兆位以太网 当你需要可靠的高速有线网络连接时,可以使用以太网端口将 Surface 连接到有线网络。 4 音频 将最喜欢的音频配件(如有线扬声器或耳机)连接到扩展坞的 3.5 毫米音频端口 ...
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I've got a Surface Pro 8 - since updating to windows insider 22622.290 I've not been able to use external monitors via the surface dock 2. I've rolled back all updates, and even performed a full system wipe using the Surface Pro recovery image and then performed all w...
Surface Dock 2 Components Compare Surface Dock Prikaži još 2 Surface Dock 2 lets users connect external monitors and multiple peripherals for a fully modernized desktop experience from a Surface device. Built to maximize efficiency at the office, in a flexible workspace, or at home, Surf...
Surface Thunderbolt™ 4 扩展坞 Surface Dock 2 Surface Dock 适用于 Surface Pro 3 的扩展坞 适用于 Surface 3 的扩展坞 适用于 Surface Pro 1 和 Surface Pro 2 的扩展坞 Surface USB4 扩展坞 超快的数据传输速度、用于基本配件的扩展端口选项、高达 65 W 的电源直通设备充电以及双 4k 显示器支持,使 ...
I've had a Surface Pro 9 with a Surface Dock 2 for a couple of months now with 2 Dell U2723QE monitors connected via USB C. This setup was working great up until this morning where the 2 displays suddenly stopped working. After some messing around, I was able to narrow it...
Connect and power your Thunderbolt™ 4 devices, transfer data fast, and connect two 4K monitors. Learn more Surface Dock 2 Turn your Surface into a desktop PC, charge your device, and access peripherals. Surface USB-C Travel Hub Get five ways to connect to networks, displays and more, ...
Hinweis: Weitere Informationen zum Einrichten Ihres Monitors finden Sie unter Verbinden von Surface mit einem externen Bildschirm. Einrichten von Audio Nachdem Sie Ihr Surface und Ihre Audiogeräte mit dem Dock verbunden haben, können Sie Ihre Eingabe- und Ausgabeeinstellungen auswählen, wenn...
Surface Pro X Surface 擴充座 2 移至Surface 擴充座 2 韌體和驅動程式,並下載適當的套件: SurfaceDock2_WmiInstanceProvider_Win10_17763_20.072.32423.0_x64.msi Surface Pro (第五代和更新版本) Surface Book (第二代和更新版本) Surface Go (所有層代) ...
Surface Dock 1 固件更新 Windows Autopilot 自动化部署 管理更新 管理UEFI(固件) Surface 扩展坞 远程唤醒设备 Surface 设备的 LAN 唤醒 使用Surface Dock 2 的 LAN 唤醒 Surface 设备的电源唤醒 最佳做法 Arm 设备 对商业设备进行故障排除 通过Surface 门户获取帮助 ...