Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Book 2. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Book 2, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI files include all of the drivers and firmwar...
Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Book. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Book, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI and ZIP files include all of the drivers and fir...
为Surface 驱动程序启用同步 若要启用 Surface 驱动程序的同步,请执行以下步骤: 将Configuration Manger 控制台连接到顶级站点服务器。 转到“管理>站点配置>站点”,然后单击顶层站点。 在功能区中,选择“设置”>“配置站点组件>软件更新点”。 单击“分类”选项卡,然后单击“包括 surface 驱动程序和固件更新Microsoft”...
如果下列其中一個專案已登入WsyncMgr.log,請再次確認您已在軟體更新點的屬性中選取 [包含 Microsoft Surface 驅動程式和韌體更新] 選項: Sync Surface Drivers option is not set Sync Catalog Drivers SCF value is set to : 0 開啟WCM.log,並尋找類似下列專案的專案: ...
如果你使用的是 Surface Book 2,请确保使用Surface USB-C 到 HDMI 适配器。 检查混合现实头戴显示设备硬件问题: 若要确认或排除头戴显示设备的硬件问题,请将混合现实头戴显示设备连接到另一台电脑。 首先检查电脑兼容性和设置问题,因为症状相似。 确保USB 电缆已插入 USB 3.0 或更快的端口。 USB 3.0 端口旁边...
Adopt Windows Update for Business: This ensures Surface devices always have the latest drivers, firmware, and security patches. To learn more, seeConfigure Windows Update for Business. Managing firmware with DFCI By having Device Firmware Configuration Interface (DFCI) profilesbuilt into Intune, Surfac...
Sync Surface Drivers option is not set Sync Catalog Drivers SCF value is set to : 0 打开WCM.log,然后查找如下所示的条目: 此条目是一个 XML 元素,其中列出了 SUP 服务器当前同步的每个产品组和分类。 例如,你可能会看到类似于以下内容的条目: XML 复制 <Categories> <Category Id="Product:05eebf...
Surface Book will not recognize itself as a Surface and will not install drivers I bought a used unit of Surface Book that doesn't recognize itself as a Surface device. In the System Properties it identifies as "OEMCH Product". It will not install drivers and has 18 unrecognized devices in...
If you normally connect to Windows Update and use the default out of the box settings to receive automatic updates, you’ll always have the latest drivers and firmware. For more info, seeGet the latest Windows update. You can quickly check the health of your Surface drivers and firmware usin...
Surface Book (all models) Select the menu option that you want to learn more about. PC information Security Boot configuration Date and time About Exit Important:Under normal circumstances, there’s no need for you to change UEFI settings. If you change these settings...