Surface update history Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Book 3. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Book 3, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI files include all of ...
除了 Windows 10 或 Windows 11 的軟體更新外,請務必製作硬體更新,也稱為驅動程式和韌體更新。 您可以使用 Surface 應用程式,快速檢查 Surface 驅動程式和韌體的健康情況。 開啟Surface 應用程式 在Surface 應用程式中,展開 [說明與支援]以檢查更新狀態。 如果有可用的更新,請選取 [檢查更新] 按鈕以...
It may be a known issue, please refer to:Surface Pro 3 hangs at UEFI settings, and you encounter Stop errors, disk errors, and performance issues The solution is to download the latest SurfacePro3_<date>.msi file from the following website and install the correct driver. https://www.mi...
Surface update history Cumulative and current firmware and drivers for the Surface 3 [Wi-Fi]. This firmware and driver package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface 3 [Wi-Fi], as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driv...
您可以在 Windows 10 規格和系統需求中看到 Windows 10 的需求清單。 其中一個需求是有足夠的硬碟空間可供進行安裝。 系統磁碟驅動器上必須至少有16 GB的可用空間,才能升級32位操作系統,或64位OS的20 GB。若要檢視計算機上可用的硬碟空間,請開啟 檔案總管。在 Windows 7 中,這稱為 Windows 檔案總管。
After October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide free software updates from Windows Update, technical assistance, or security fixes for Windows 10. Your PC will still work, but we recommend moving to Windows 11. Learn more To keep your Surface 3 performing its best, make sure that ...
Windows 10, Windows 11 Feedback In this article Overview Surface driver and firmware lifecycle period Legacy products Learn more This page provides essential information on the driver and firmware lifecycle for Windows-based Surface devices. This policy outlines the lifecycle of driver and firmware upda...
确认是易受攻击的驱动程序后,会发出相应的通知,并将其添加到易受攻击的驱动程序阻止名单中。 有关详细信息,请参阅Microsoft 推荐的驱动程序阻止规则。 这些规则默认应用于启用了虚拟机监控程序保护的代码完整性(HVCI)设备,以及运行 S 模式的 Windows 10。
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微软Surface Book 3笔记本驱动和固件2021年4月更新,支持Windows 10 1903及之后的系统。 具体更新内容如下: 1、改善相机体验和使用期间的功耗。 2、改进系统服务之间的集成。 3、提高了Wi-Fi及蓝牙稳定性。 4、提高了系统安全性和稳定性。 纠错 综合评分 ...