這些指示適用於喜歡在 Steam Deck 裝置上進行系統修改的愛好者。 Microsoft 不會主動維護 Microsoft Edge 的 Flatpak 套件,且目前未在 SteamOS 上提供 Microsoft Edge 的官方支援。 開始之前 我們建議您在閱讀本文進行設定時,將滑鼠和鍵盤連線至 Steam Deck。 或者,您可以使用STEAM+X...
Microsoft 目前不主动维护 Microsoft Edge Flatpak 包,也不在 SteamOS 上提供 Microsoft Edge 的官方支持。 开始之前 我们建议你在按照本文进行设置时将鼠标和键盘连接到 Steam Deck。 或者,可以使用STEAM+X将触摸键盘与触摸显示器或触控板一起显示。
SteamDeck插件商店SteamGridDB(更换游戏封面)、PowerTools(解锁29W功耗)更新中文界面 1.0万 1 33:02 App steamdeck使用微软xbox的xgp会员玩云游戏教程请仔细看完不要跳看容易遗漏重要问题及方法 1.3万 5 08:29 App 保姆教程!steam deck畅玩Xbox云游戏 非推流xbox游戏 5.8万 16 04:40 App steam deck 桌面模式...
隨著Valve 的 Steam Deck 在掌機市場大獲成功,Microsoft 正計劃以 Xbox 平台進一步強化其競爭力,挑戰 Steam Deck 的地位。Steam Deck 憑藉其基於 Linux 的 SteamOS,成功吸引了大批 PC 玩家,Microsoft 卻因此面臨了一項重大挑戰,就是 Windows 在遊戲掌機上的地位被削弱。 Microsoft 過去曾嘗試改善 Windows 在掌機上...
总是显示这个error,文件在windows执行是好的,copy到deck上,然后执行c++驱动程序后把路径添到启动项里面还是不行,x86、64位的都不行,有大佬可以支招吗?#MicroSoft##c++ runtime##Rounded##Steam deck# 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2023-07-02 22:30回复 ...
“We worked closely with Valve and the Xbox Cloud Gaming team to bring support for Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate through Microsoft Edge Beta for the Steam Deck,”says Missy Quarry, a community manager for Microsoft Edge. “We’re particularly excited about this ourselve...
Microsoft is working with Valve to support Xbox Cloud Gaming on the Steam Deck, though it's a bit of work to install right now.
Valve and Microsoft teamed up to better support the Steam Deck, with Xbox Cloud Gaming now supported through the Edge browser. "We’re particularly excited about this ourselves as we feel it can open new opportunities in the Linux gaming community." — Missy Quarry, Community Manage for Micros...
Valve and Microsoft teamed up to better support the Steam Deck, with Xbox Cloud Gaming now supported through the Edge browser. "We’re particularly excited about this ourselves as we feel it can open new opportunities in the Linux gaming community." — Missy Quarry, Community Manage for...