Windows 和设备 Windows 11 系统要求 Windows 8.1 支持终止 查找硬件保修 使用Microsoft 365 订阅实现卓越 使用AI 提高个人工作效率。 Microsoft 365 中的 Copilot 现在可帮助你对每天使用的应用执行更多操作。 详细了解你的新 AI 驱动的生产力套件 开始Copilot 之旅 购买Microsoft 365 浏览...
You will get the option to activate your device over the phone. Please attempt to activate using this method and if you're not able to complete activation successfully, you will be connected to Microsoft support for your region and country. Activate Windows 11 Activat...
Type and search[Your account info]in the Windows search bar①, then click[Open]②. Click[Sign in with a Microsoft account instead]③. Type the email, phone number, or Skype account to sign-in that you use for other Microsoft services (such Outlook, Office, etc.)④. If you don’t ha...
Type and search [Manage your account] in the Windows search bar①, then click [Open]②. Click [Sign in with a Microsoft account instead]③. Type the email, phone number, or Skype account to sign-in that you use for other Microsoft services (such Outlook, Office, etc.)④.If you don...
You can find OC CABs in C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment\<arch>\WinPE_OCs\. Here's how to add Powershell support for en-us:command Copy Dism /Add-Package /Image:"C:\WinPE_amd64\mount" /PackagePath:"C:\...
Type and search [Your account info] in the Windows search bar①, then click [Open]②. Click [Sign in with a Microsoft account instead]③. Type the email, phone number, or Skype account to sign-in that you use for other Microsoft services (such Outlook, Office, etc.)④.If you don’...
Windows 11 版本 21H2 必要診斷資料會收集一組有限的資訊,對於了解裝置和其設定很重要,包括基本裝置資訊、品質相關資訊、應用程式相容性及 Microsoft Store。必要診斷資料有助於識別在特定裝置的硬體或軟體設定上發生的問題。 例如,它可以協助判斷在含有特定記憶體量的裝置,或者正在執行特定驅動程式版本的裝置上,發...
Windows 11 バージョン 23H2 Windows 11、 バージョン 22H2必要な診断データは、基本デバイス情報、品質関連情報、アプリの互換性、Microsoft Store など、デバイスとその構成について理解するうえで重要な限られた情報セットが収集されます。
Type and search[Manage your account]in the Windows search bar①, then click[Open]②. Click[Sign in with a Microsoft account instead]③. Type the email, phone number, or Skype account to sign-in that you use for other Microsoft services (such Outlook, Office, etc.)④. ...
In addition to these new Microsoft Teams (free) features, there are some changes to the way you manage your applications. Under All apps on the Start menu, Windows 11 system components will show a “system” label. Currently, the page for managing these components is in...