您可以快速輕鬆地檢查。 在工作列的搜尋方塊中,輸入winver並從結果中選取winver。 需要知道必要的磁碟空間、錯誤碼、移除已安裝的更新或其他更新問題嗎? 詳細說明請參閱Windows 更新:常見問答集。 附註:Windows 11 更新小幫手無法在ARM型電腦上執行。 它僅支援使用 x86/64 處理器的電腦。
Windows 10 生產力應用程式、1 TB 的 OneDrive 和進階安全性立即解除鎖定Windows Update 小幫手會在您的裝置上下載並安裝功能更新。 功能更新提供新功能,並協助保護您的系統安全。 下載更新小幫手後將自動取得這些更新。 Windows 11Windows 10 如果您不想等待自動更新,或如果您想要檢查品質更新 (更新較為頻繁,並且...
Windows 10 Productivity apps, 1 TB of cloud storage, and advanced security We think you'll really like this.Unlock OneDriveThe Windows Update Assistant downloads and installs feature updates on your device. Feature updates offer new functionality and help keep your systems secure. You’ll get ...
If you need assistance installing an update, Windows 10 Update Assistant may be able to help. More information on hard drive space requirements to install or update Windows 10 The size of the Windows operating system that comes with your device and the amount of space needed to download and ...
, the(via Update Assistant or the Media Creation Tool), and theVolume Licensing Service Center. Today also marks the start of the 30-month servicing timeline for this General Availability Channel release.
Windows Autopilot device preparation: What's new Windows Autopilot: What's new You can use RSS to be notified when this page is updated. For more information, see How to use the docs. Week of January 20, 2025 Monitor and troubleshoot Use Support Assistant to resolve issues Support Assistant...
Step 1.To download the Microsoft SaRA tool for Windows 10/11, you can go to the official Microsoft Download Center in your browser and go toMicrosoft Support and Recovery Assistant download page. You can click the redDownloadbutton to download and save the SaRA package to your computer. ...
此版本的 Windows 10 已達到終止服務日期。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Microsoft 產品生命週期。適用於Windows 10 版本 1703 基本層級會收集一組有限的資訊,對於了解裝置和其設定很重要,包括基本裝置資訊、品質相關資訊、App 相容性及 Microsoft Store。 當層級設定為基本時,也會包括安全性層級資訊。基本...
此版本的 Windows 10 已達到終止服務日期。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Microsoft 產品生命週期。適用於Windows 10 版本 1703 基本層級會收集一組有限的資訊,對於了解裝置和其設定很重要,包括基本裝置資訊、品質相關資訊、App 相容性及 Microsoft Store。 當層級設定為基本時,也會包括安全性層級資訊。基本...
Windows Windows 10 General Index : Error 126 DISM could not be initialized in the local folder. ensure that dism is installed correctly and that all of the binaries are present :( Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll re...