Microsoft Streets and Trips 编辑评价 借助各种工具和功能,无论您是在城镇还是在美国和加拿大的任何地方,此行程计划软件都可以帮助您创建自定义路线,设置驾驶偏好,计划休息时间和计算旅行费用,使旅行变得更加轻松。 Microsoft Streets和Trips可以让您快速,轻松地完成目标,而无需进行任何猜测。
Microsoft Streets & Trips 2013is a usefultrip planning programthat'll guide you through every step of your roadtrip. If you're considering going on an extensive roadtrip, you've got a lot of planning ahead of you. You'll need to map out where roadside stops are located for food and bath...
Streets and Trips Send to Mobile Carrier List Important! Selecting a language below will dynamically change the complete page content to that language. Select language Download Expand all | Collapse all Details System Requirements Install Instructions Follow Microsoft Back...
To download and install Microsoft Streets & Trips you need todownload and install it from a website such as CNET. This downloads ST_2010.exe. You will be prompted to run the installer, which you should only do if you trust the file. Once downloaded, you can transfer your files to a ...
Thank you for downloading Microsoft MapPoint 2013 and Microsoft Streets & Trips 2013 Construction Data Update If your download does not start after 30 seconds, Click here to download manually Install Instructions Popular Downloads Product: ...
And it’s a good question — will Microsoft Streets and Trips work on their newer operating systems? Even if you figure out a way to make Streets and Trips work on your current software, its download options are unavailable, making it impossible to update. This left many outside sales pr...
本文列出了有关如何激活 Windows,街道和旅行,以及 Mappoint 的 Microsoft 游戏的常见问题。 更多信息 年第1 季度: 什么是 Microsoft 产品激活?A1:Microsoft 产品激活尝试减少盗版软件,并确保 Microsoft 客户获得他们期望的软件质量。激活软件产品后,特定...
Microsoft Q&A Windows Maps 246 questions A Microsoft app that provides voice navigation and turn-by-turn driving, transit, and walking directions. Browse all Windows tags 246 questions with Windows Maps tags Sort by:Updated UpdatedCreatedAnswers ...
2009 North America with GPS LocatorMicrosoft Streets & Trips 2009Microsoft Streets & Trips 2009 with GPS LocatorMicrosoft Streets & Trips 2010Microsoft Streets & Trips 2010 GPS LocatorMicrosoft MapPoint 2011Microsoft Streets & Trips 2011Microsoft ...
I have just installed Streets & Trips 2013 I cannot select, edit, or delete the trails created while driving using the GPS. I had the 2006 version. I could edit the trail, it is by default colored blue. Windows Maps Windows Maps A Microsoft app that provides voice navigation and turn...