据The Verge报道,微软官方推出的 PC 清理和优化工具「微软电脑管家」(Microsoft PC Manager)已经上架 Microsoft Store,但尚未公开展示,只能通过链接访问。Microsoft PC Manager其页面和截图目前仍为中文,但在英文系统上安装后可以显示英文界面。该应用本身是为Windows10及以上版本设计的,更多的是针对低规格的笔记本电...
Microsoft PC Manager is a utility app for your PC that effortlessly enhances PC performance with just one click. Enjoy seamless storage clean-up, efficient file management, and a host of other powerful features designed to keep your PC running smoothly.
Boost your PC Cleanup your system and free up spaces. Boost your PC's performance. Manage your storage Give your PC a spring cleaning and manage large files. Use storage sense to let Windows free up storage for you. Find and fix issues fast....
PC Manager S Modepcswpddeveloper 1 高效工作 在Microsoft Store 获取 免费下载说明 Find useful tips, browse FAQs, or contact support of huawei computer in the S mode version of PC management app. 无用户审阅 排序方式 最有帮助添加审阅 还没有人审阅过此应用程序。成为第一个添加审阅的人。 系统要求...
Find useful tips, browse FAQs, or contact support in the S mode version of Huawei's official PC management app.
Find Most popular Apps on PC . Explore Microsoft Store for great apps, games, laptops, PCs, and other devices.
现在可以下载使用了-Microsoft PC Manager 昨天浏览到 Microsoft PC Manager -微软电脑管家 更新到了3.2.2.0 版。 这是微软本土化的产品。相对于本土各种各样的管家,在微软本家Windows 系统中,配合自己出品的电脑管家,那是挺放心挺好用的。毕竟,微软还是比较懂自己的产品的。也不要忽视微软本身...
Microsoft PC Manager Safeguard your PC in a quiet and reliable way. 12followers http://aka.ms/pcmanager-app https://discord.gg/FTDTddsPgd @MicrosoftPCM https://reddit.com/r/MicrosoftPcManager Repositories MSPCManagerHelperPublicForked fromGoo-aw233/MSPCManagerHelper...