Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational Source: Microsoft-Windows-Immersive-Shell Date: DateTime Event ID: 5961 Task Category: (5961) Level: Error Keywords: User: UserName Computer: ComputerName Description: Activation of the app <app name> for the Windows.Launch contract fai...
选择Microsoft应用商店应用时,应用将开始启动,然后 Windows 将返回到开始屏幕。 不会显示屏幕上的错误。 Microsoft-Windows-Immersive-Shell 事件 5961 记录在应用程序和服务日志\Microsoft\Windows\Apps\Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational 事件日志路径下: 输出复制 Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational S...
Select Enable and set Download Mode to "Simple (99)" if you use Windows 11 or "Bypass (100)" if you use Windows 10 Click Apply and OK. Restart your computer to apply the changes. After the restart the problem should be solved. Best Regards. Luca...
Windows 11 minimum system requirements remain unchanged and can be found in the articleWindows 11 specs, features, and computer requirements. Installing Windows 11 on a device that doesn't meetWindows 11 minimum system requirementsisn't recommended. If Windows 11...
SMS 提供程序SMS 提供程序SMSProvSmsprov.dll为站点上的 Configuration Manager 数据库分配读取和写入访问权限的 Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) 提供程序 下载更新 服务连接点负责下载适用于 Configuration Manager 基础结构的更新。 在联机模式下,它每隔 24 小时自动检查一次更新。 它下载当前基础结构和产品版...
https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/store/apps/ 微软商店(Microsoft Store),前身是Windows Store,是微软自Windows8系统推出以来,为Windows系统用户提供一个统一应用安装下载更新体验的平台,经过Window8、Windows10、Windows11三大系统版本的打磨,逐渐成为Windows系统使用者首选的应用获取及更新平台。 在Windows10阶段,商店主...
(Corporate Office365 account) to download or install or purchase new apps for Windows specifically for this computer that have to be purchased from the Microsoft Store. The Windows 11 Microsoft Store shows a notification when you logon that there is no support in the store for business or ...
Welcome to the Microsoft® Windows NT® Administrator's and User's Security Guide. This book is designed to help you use Microsoft® Windows NT® Server or Microsoft® Windows NT® Workstation to set up a computer system that is eligible for C2-level security certification. This book...
I´ve been trying to update my computer to windows 11 and everytime i get errors. I tried using the updater in settings, and i got error 0x8007001f, i´ve...
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