Magasinez les dernières ventes et offres en ligne du Microsoft Store à un prix avantageux ! Obtenez plus de ce que vous voulez pour moins avec des remises sur Surface, ordinateurs portables, ordinateurs, PC, Xbox, Jeux, logiciels, et plus encore.
Cookies are small text files placed on your device to store data that can be recalled by a web server in the domain that placed the cookie. We use cookies and similar technologies for storing and honoring your preferences and settings, enabling you to sign in, providing interest-based advertis...
Isso inclui tudo o que é necessário para criar, implantar e executar aplicativos UWP no .NET 9, bem como gerar pacotes MSIX para publicação na Microsoft Store ou sideload. As ferramentas UWP no .NET 9 no Visual Studio adicionarão automaticamente estas duas referências de pacote ...
Synchronizácia s Microsoft Store for Business nepoužíva server proxy v Configuration ManagerApplies ToSystem Center Configuration Manager (current branch - version 1906) PríznakySynchronizácia údajov medzi Microsoft Store for Business a serverom...
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MSI 또는 EXE 앱용 Microsoft Store 제출 API를 호출하기 위한 코드 작성을 시작하기 전에 다음 전제 조건을 완료했는지 확인합니다.사용자(또는 조직)에 Azure AD 디렉터리가 있어야 하며 디...
Les applications acquises via certains Stores appartenant à ou exploités par Microsoft ou ses affiliés (notamment l'Office Store, le Microsoft Store sur Windows et le Microsoft Store sur Xbox) sont soumises à l'article 13.b. a. Si vous vous conformez aux présentes Conditions, nous ...
使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
Länk till App Store (iOS) FleetSafer FleetSafer är ett verktyg för riskbedömning och riskreducering som framtvingar kommunikationsprinciper och övervakar rutiner för säker körning. FleetSafer kräver ett Cogosense-företagskonto. FleetSafer använder GPS eller en ansluten...
Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management is now enabled as the default, built-in solution for all subscriptions protected by Defender for Servers that don't already have a VA solution selected.If a subscription has a VA solution enabled on any of its VMs, no changes are made and Microsoft ...