(企業の場合は主たる業務地) がカナダであって、Skype ブランドの有料の消費者向け本サービスを使用している場合、または Microsoft Teams の無料部分を使用している場合、契約先のマイクロソフト法人は Skype Communications US Corporation (2215-B Renaissance Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89119, United ...
Live in Las Vegas and interested in joining your local Power BI User Group? Become a member today atwww.pbiusergroup.com/lasvegas. Where:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/locations/nv/las-vegas/fashion-show/store-1025#eventid=2025775879 When: Thursday, November 8, ...
a.加拿大:如果您居住於 (或若您為企業,總部設於) 加拿大,且您係使用付費版消費者之 Skype 品牌服務,或如果您係免費使用 Microsoft Teams 之一部分,您係與 Skype Communications US Corporation (址設:2215-B Renaissance Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89119, United States) 簽約。對於所有其他免費和付費消費者服務,您...
We are excited to unveil the next step of SharePoint’s journey at theMicrosoft 365 Conference in Las Vegas, NV in early May.Join us for an in-person celebration of SharePoint’s past, present, and future – and build new connections with a full return of a vibrant in-person commu...
se encuentra en Canadá, y usa los Servicios de la marca Skype orientados a los consumidores, ya sean gratuitos o de pago, o usa partes gratuitas de Microsoft Teams, el contrato se celebra con Skype Communications US Corporation, 2215-B Renaissance Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89119, United State...
абокалі вывыкарыстоўваецебясплатныячасткі Microsoft Teams, вызаключаецекантрактз Skype Communications US Corporation, 2215-B Renaissance Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89119, United States (ЗлучаныяШтатыАм...
(or, if a business, your principal place of business is in) Canada, and you are using paid consumer Skype-branded Services, or if you are using free portions of Microsoft Teams, you are contracting with Skype Communications US Corporation, 2215-B Renaissance Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89119, ...
аkо stе prеduzеćе, u kојој imаtе sеdištе) i koristite plaćene korisničke usluge brenda Skype, ili koristite besplatne delove usluge Microsoft Teams, sklapate ugovor sa kompanijom Skype Communications US Corporation, 2215-B Renaissance Drive, Las Vegas, ...
a.加拿大:如果您居住於 (或若您為企業,總部設於) 加拿大,且您係使用付費版消費者之 Skype 品牌服務,或如果您係免費使用 Microsoft Teams 之一部分,您係與 Skype Communications US Corporation (址設:2215-B Renaissance Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89119, United States) 簽約。對於所有其他免費和付費消費者服務,您...
a.加拿大:如果您居住於 (或若您為企業,總部設於) 加拿大,且您係使用付費版消費者之 Skype 品牌服務,或如果您係免費使用 Microsoft Teams 之一部分,您係與 Skype Communications US Corporation (址設:2215-B Renaissance Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89119, United States) 簽約。對於所有其他免費和付費消費者服務,您...